Zoom Bible Study 01-09-2021

Summary of what i learnt;
There was a creator i the beginning everything was made.
Genesis 1:1 KJV

Whatever has a beginning has an end
Psalm 102:26 KJV
According to the Bible, stars shall perish and wax old like old garments.

The Bible is authentic, is the word of God, any other book can only be a repetition of Bible.
Ecclesiastes 1:4-6 KJV

God renews the earth. The spirit of God shaped the earth and not the big bang theory.
Psalms 104:30 KJV
The valley, oceans and rivers show us the intelligent designer which is God. God's wisdom created everything.

Whatever you are learning, keep them to heart. You must have a mastery of the doctrine of Jesus before you can teach others the doctrine.
Luke 2:49-51 KJV

Those who do not know the strong doctrine of God should be indoctrinated.
1 Corinthians 3:1-3 KJV
They might be offended when they don't understand. They are babies because they don't understand the ways of God yet.

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