Day 13 Mass Indoctrination held on the 26-01-2022. Via Zoom

I will be sharing with us the important points I learnt from our day 13th Mass Indoctrination held during the zoom meeting on the 26th of January,2022 by Bro Eli. Coupled with a short video reaction of lessons learnt.

  • After baptism,there are some sin that when they are intentionally done,the result is hell. According to 1 John 5:16 which made us understand that,there are two types of sin. A sin unto death and a sin that is not unto death.

  • A sin unto death that is committed intensionally cannot be forgiven. Such person should be asked to leave the church.

  • There are some churches who tolorates sins unto death because even there leaders are also guilty of same which is totally wrong. So our leaders need to examine themselves to see if they are on the right path and if they are actually leading us well. Romans 2:21-22

  • We were meant to understand that,after hearing all this doctrines and we choose to accept Christ and we are being baptized. When we go back to the same old ways there is nothing like rebaptism in the Bible. So after baptism,we should forsake our old ways totally and our focus should be our life in eternity.

  • Speaking against the Holy spirit is a grievous sin which cannot be forgiven.

  • The prohibited act of eating food offered to idols, eating of blood , eating of strangled meat, and fornication cannot be forgiven and the reward is hell.

  • We were meant to understand in the book of Romans 1:25 that when we kneel down before any creature is an abominable and idolatry act before God.

  • We were meant to understand that, Mary the mother of God, our parents, animals,even the angels are creatures which we are not meant to kneel down before them. We are only meant to kneel down before God and worship him alone because he is out only Creator.

  • As Christians,we are not prohibited from eating any food on earth but as long as they are been offered to other gods and they are seal with their marks or the brand name is carrying the name of other gods we should stay from such.

  • It is prohibited to eat blood according to Leviticus 17:10 which made us understand the reason why we are prohibited from eating blood. Is because is the blood that made an atonement for our sins. Is also the blood that our Lord Jesus Christ used for the redemption of our souls.

  • We christian, should stay away from the meat that the blood is not poured out. Before we water we should make sure the blood is been poured out.

  • As a Christian, we are prohibited from fornication . Because our body is the temple of the holy ghost.

  • We are also fornicating when we kneel down before other religions idols and feast with them. Because our God is a jealous God.

My expectations that were improved after hearing the doctrines during the zoom meeting.

  • Initially,I know that kneeling before other gods worshipping them is wrong but little did I know that even kneeling before the image of God, Mary's statue and even our parents is wrong. Brother Elisoriano made us understand that they are all creatures but not creator. The only one we are meant to kneel down before and worship is our creator which is God almighty.

How the study has affected me and make me a better person that I can use in my daily life

  • The study has made me understand that,there are two types of sins. The sin unto death which when they are done intentionally they can't be forgiven and they are sin that is not unto death. So I need to be careful on the things I do, and always stay fucus so I will not commit those sins that are not unto death.

Thanks be to God for his words.

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