Rhinella marina


Cerca de donde vivo encontré este particular sapo que se encontraba a un costado de la reja de entrada a una urbanización. A muchos les desagradan estos seres, pero a mí me parecen que tienen su encanto a su estilo, claramente son feos, pero eso no le quita que tengan su propia personalidad. Siempre se mantienen quietos y pacientes, siempre esperan el momento perfecto para dar su siguiente movimiento, para mí esa característica de ellos es lo que le da esa forma única de ser de los sapos.

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Near where I live I found this particular toad that was on the side of the entrance gate to an urbanization. Many dislike these beings, but to me they seem to have their own charm in their own style, clearly they are ugly, but that does not mean that they have their own personality. They always remain still and patient, they always wait for the perfect moment to make their next move, for me that characteristic of them is what gives them that unique way of being of toads.

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