Do you want to build a snowman?

I got my white Christmas here in Oregon and we built two snowmen.

I really can't remember the last time I built a snowman and when I did I am sure it was a small little thing. The Jarvie's build big snowmen. This post will go through the process of building the snowman on in the backyard which is 8 feet 4 inches (2. 5 meters). I will also include some pictures of snowman #2 in the front yard which is 8 feet and 8 inches (2.68 meters).

Here is a song to listen to as you look at the snowman building post.

Snowman #1

Rolling the bottom

Scotty and Donavaughn rolled the bottom, until it was too big and everyone needed to help roll it.

Rolling the middle

Megan and I worked on the middle.

Rolling the head

I called Jodi the headmaster.


It took all of us to roll the bottom to the final spot.


The middle is in place


The head is now in place, yes the snow was very heavy and this was a very tall snowman so it took all our muscles to get it up.

I like someone's humor. When I went inside Frozen was playing!

Decorating Snowman #1

@jarvie is giving snowman a rock smile.

Pictures with Snowman #1

View of snowman #1 from inside the house

Snowman #2

Emerson and his family came in the afternoon and joined in the snowman making fun. With his help and muscles we built an even bigger snowman.

Here is snowman #2 the next morning looking out at the beautiful snow covered world.

The view people get when they drive by the house

I love my family and love that they wanted to play in the snow with me.

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