Is it time?

Almond blossom jan  6.jpg

These were shot in mid January, which, according to my book, is like the middle of winter. The trees are supposed to be sleeping for the next few months before they start to bloom and grow fresh leaves.

But not here. And not this tree!
This one is a little rebel :p And while others just prepare to wake up (spring in Portugal shows up a lot earlier than in Poland anyway), this one is in full bloom! Because it can (and because it is their usual blooming time).

Almond blossom jan  3.jpg

Almond blossom jan  2.jpg

I am not sure what it is, but my best guess is that it's an Almond tree. I never saw blooming almonds before, so someone please confirm it for me.

Almond blossom jan  7.jpgAlmond blossom jan  8.jpg

First, I thought it was some peach because of the long and slim leaves. But here, it is way too early for peaches. And the flowers do not really match. They are much bigger and whiter. I know a peach flower when I see one.

I like how this lens got this dreamy and milky background without too much strong light and more shadows of the surrounding trees. The cold blue effect I got shooting against the blue sky.

Almond blossom jan  9.jpg

This photo below gave me some clues on what to check online. The dried-out fruits that were left from the previous year. They have the shape of an almond, the size of an almond... That was the first thing I googled then.

Almond blossom jan  10.jpg

Almond blossom jan  12.jpg

Almond blossom jan  4.jpg

A fatty bumblebee found it too :)
They are peaceful creatures and quite easy to photograph.

Almond blossom jan  11.jpg

Almond blossom jan  5.jpg

As strange as it is for me, it was nice to see some trees blooming at this time of the year.

Almond blossom jan  13.jpg

Almond blossom jan 1.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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