A quick trip around Lucy's garden...

It's rainy season here, and growing our regular veggies is a nightmare.
The soil in these parts is very much clay, so with the onslaught of torrential rains, everything just get's soaked through, and then stays, sitting in puddles of water.
For days at a time.

This is great for the rice fields, but pretty much nothing else.
Our tomatoes have stopped... Just.... 'stopped'.
Our cucumbers and green beans are decimated by some bug or other (the wet season is Christmas time for bugs!)

BUT...things DO continue to grow - you just can't stop life !

Here are some photo's that Luce took with her camera.
She's getting all technical now, using macro and everything!

When bamboo starts to rot, you know you're in wet season..


Our cucumber's are under attack - from something.

Life always seems to find a way...Using last seasons rice 'straw' on the beds helps to inhibit weed growth_

Luce using the macro for the first time. I have no idea what this will turn out to be, but it ain't for eating, I'm pretty sure of that..

I hope enjoyed the quick trip around our garden (Lucy's garden, who am I trying to kid?)

There's gonna be lot more pics coming up from our corner of the world.
It's a beautiful place, it really is, and it's a shame not to share it with all you cool people out there...

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