A Lucky Day With A Bear Family

Back in May 2012 when I was first getting serious into photography, I took a trip with my wife to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. It was our first visit to these amazing national parks. I heard there would be a good possibility of seeing some wildlife but never in my wildest imagination did I expect to photograph a family of bears. I count myself lucky to have seen and photographed these magnificent creatures in the wild.

This cub stood on its hind legs which I had never seen a bear do before. Actually, this was the first time I saw bears in the wild so the moment was especially thrilling. There was a park ranger who stood between the bears and us spectators for safety.

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One of the cubs looking out at the meadow with the Tetons in the background.

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Momma bear smelling the air to see if there were any threats nearby to her cubs.

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A nice family portrait of momma bear and her three cubs.

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Standing again on hind legs to check out the forest.

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I believe I shot this scene from my car along the road. Thank goodness momma bear was in a good mood.

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If you have any questions, please let me know and thanks in advance for your support.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlfredoMPhoto

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