What makes good teacher?

Hello, dear ones, I was off lately can’t find time for writing and I was doing more of my internal work and getting my life and myself in order. Changes between the seasons always get me to this place of re-organize area of my life and self reflect. Now that we have officially started Autam, which is my favourite season, I feel that things are falling back to place.

Today blog is about improving as a teacher. I am so proud that my life took me into teaching. I feel that education is so close to my heart and I believe this is such a powerful way to impact my surrounding.
If you don't know, I teach Yoga! And I want to do it in the best way, so I am thinking a lot about what will improve my teaching skills, that I can shear and communicate my knowledge in the best possible way.

So here are a few things that I always keep in mind in the attempt to be a good teacher. And I will love to know what you think makes a good teacher? And if you are a teacher or interested in this field, let's continue this conversion and encourage one another.

Ok, so here are my points;

create and hold a safe space for the study.

Ask a lot of questions, and listen deeply to the answers.

Do not assume I know butter, because I am ‘The Teacher’.

As the teacher I bring my passion to the subject, and I am like a ‘bank’ of ideas, in order to encourage the natural curiosity of the student.

A teacher should help to focus the practice, making sure it isn’t random, so the student is working towered, and learning things that will serve his/her goals.

I invite inquire rather than given dogmatic and striking answers. allow time to observe and understand what is coming up for the student.

All the emotions are accepted, and it ok to talk about uncomfortable things.

Keeping healthy boundaries and respect for one another.

And if you are on the other side, and you are in the student hat, finding a teacher that is a good fit is not so easy, like any other relationship. It is not always love at first sight.
Do not get discouraged. If you hear the calling to learn something, keep on looking for the right guide for you, do whatever you can in order to engage with your passion, taking steps to keep it in your life, and at the right time, the teacher will come!


much love everyone!
I took this pic one morning when I went to do my practice outside, you can see the sunrise over the village I live in.

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