Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

How do I keep myself grounded?

Well the short answer is I don’t. Sad it is, but at least honest. I don’t know which one is the more sad statement the one i already mentioned or that i’m like the most people regarding this issue. I bet it’s the second. Within our rushing world it’s quite hard to stay grounded after a certain age, and it’s even harder to get grounded again. Grounded people are not a good customer of capitalism, therefor it’s not even a highlighted objective. Except for those who started to awaken.

Suppose I’m, then how would i keep myself grounded? Well that’s the hard work, not hard daily, but to sustain it for a lifetime it is. I would say its based on a routine, daily -, weekly -, monthly-, yearly routines. And that’s the key, in my opinion it’s more about keeping it rather achieve it, because become grounded just means that you are on the right track, and it’s not the goal line, just the sign what you are doing is the way to live.

And now about the routines, what i think are the keys:

The daily routines:

  • healthy food intake regularly
  • drink enough water
  • keep your place in order
  • go to bed in time, wake up early
  • be kind
  • be grateful
  • in case of need, try to help

The most important thing is to have a healthy body, and since we are what we eat our overall health starts with the food. Fruits and vegetables should be the base of our diet, weather you are eating meat or not! Water is the cleaning tool for our body, try to wash your dishes with fraction you regularly do, the result’ll be different. So the cleaning process, it’s matter if your environment is kept in order, or not and messy, it’s affecting you more than you think.


The weekly routines:

  • read
  • sport, physical practice
  • do what you enjoy to do (your hobbies)
  • plan your next week
  • talk with your loved ones, care about them

The weekly stuff is about to spend some of your time useful for your brain and body, to sustain to improve, and to live your life the way you want to by planning, not just flowing with the tide. If you care with people are close to you, anytime you need to be taken care, someone ‘ll be there for you!


The monthly routine:

  • move out! to the nature, if hiking is not for you, just go for a long walk, but not in the downtown.
  • Have your “me” time
  • live social life

Within this equation everything have got a role, the environment, the folks around you and yourself. Nature got an unseen power affecting us, so just let it recharge you, well you need to be there to let it work. The demand for being alone or with others are different for everyone, but the needs should be served. Lack will cause desire, unserved desire will move away from your path.


The yearly routine:

  • make plans for yourself a few years ahead
  • watch over your progress compared to your previous plans
  • learn new skills, and improve acquired ones

It’s about the improvement, the hardest to stay steady therefore in my opinion it’s a two-way road, wether you improve or degrade, it’s our choice. Degrading is the easy path, the lazy path…

The most important thing, what should be constant: love yourself! If you do, you’ll care about your health and your body, your environment, people around you, and your future. If you’ve found your peace you’ll enjoy the time spent with others and yourself and about the future you’ll have an optimistic point of view. So how can you start your grounded journey? By acceptance, this is the first step on a hard but worthy path.


The extra routine: yoga ! Be mental (meditation), or physical, Yoga is grounding!

At the middle of this year i lost my track, i became depressed and started lo live my life kind of the opposite as described here. I needed time to heal, and to start thinking like this once again, it was a tough time and careless, but everyone can go through periods like this and get back on the track!

Thanks for reading, and your thoughts are very welcome!

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