Abundance Mindset

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Are you adopting a scarcity mindset especially during the COVID season?

I feel that it is even more important to consider an abundance mindset right now. Sometimes I feel that I am on an overdrive mode for abundance. The amygdala in my brain has been over protective especially during these past 18-20 months for me. I feel that I have become rather conservative in how I go about my daily life. I feel like I have lost my mojo! I am even more cautious, careful and risk averse. Does anyone out there in cyberspace, resonate with me?

I have become more deliberate and intentional in these last few month and continue to adopt a growth mindset. This is what I am doing. I am putting myself out there. Here are 3-ways that I am doing it.

  1. New ideas - I have picked up the need to learn (again). I have chosen the path of curiosity. I have started learning about what I would not normally do. Today, I spent 90-mins learning at Apple (virtually). I learned how to make videos on my iPhone and make a movie with iMovie. I am not really comfortable taking my own video and I know it can be nerve recking. However, working my muscle in this area and sharing with others is one way that I put myself out there and explore the opportunity for change.

  2. New contacts - I am meeting more people virtually and f2f. And the thing here, these are people whom I have never met before. I am trying to be curious and listen to the story of others out there. I am learning about lifestyles, cultures, and mindsets. New contacts allow me to see myself in them and appreciate myself even more. The stories that I hear are enlightening, illuminating and illustrating. Maybe this is my replacement for Netflix.

  3. New me - The whole learning process is allowing me reskill, reset and reposition myself in how I perceive things around me and develop even more confidence in how I can create abundance. Abundance is a mindset and we begin with it to create and grow even more. My evolving and progressive state of flux, helps me to discover and become better, and bolder than who I currently am.

So what are you doing NEW today?

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