Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

Keeping myself grounded was not an easy task for quite sometimes, it was very difficult to comprehend and to know what i am to do, so by so doing i could still feels save and sound, no sickness like this has ever make me feel so unconformable, it was this covid that make me see life as nice, i was having it hard to believe that the world could be facing this kind of virus.



The Covid brought a Lockdown which we are still to covers all the things we didn't do while we were at home, hearing some country's are having economic downturn is as a result of staying at home and doing nothing during the covid times, the Lockdown was really not suitable to people to those who finds it difficult to stay at one place, because they are people that like moving from one place to another, by visiting People and hearing what they are up to then adding it in their own plans.

During the lockdown stage not only to people that can not stay one place were affected, it also affected me a lot in terms of going to club, drinking in bar and attending occasions every Saturdays and Sundays as the case may be. The lockdown took those away from me and i was left with me and myself alone in a lonely place.

I was having difficulties in getting happiness, Happiness became something i have to subscribe to get, no one to talk to as before, life Became the type i have to subscribe to see anything i wanted to see, that was when i realized that neighbors and friends are our source of happiness, because during this time i used to go on the internet and see activities of my friends, neighbors and family and this alone was the activities that keep me grounded.

Watching of photos at times can be time consuming, especially when it involves picture of someone you really admire a lot, you will have to watch and watch and watch and then you will be satisfied and you will feel belongings, because that alone is what Humans need and when we feel belongings, our heart will be at one place and we will see the Beauty of everything in one place.

And not only that, i also involved myself in watching of videos, like those one's that are made by my friends and family, due to the fact that i was unable to see them and i may have missed them, taking time to see their activities in their houses and residence really makes me happy and i feel grounded also.

From there i was able to know that, my loves one's are out there, surviving that they are not suffering from the covid, although we may all be locked at homes, they was hope and not just a mere hope, a big one that everything will be alright someday.

The internet was the thing which i used in making myself relax and that which helps me during covid times to get grounded and is still helping me nowadays in others life activities.

Thank you for your time and for visiting my blog

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