Abundance tribe. biweekly question: How I keep myself grounded.

The world is filled with different information, that cut across different research, knowledge, experience, perspective and interest. As the knowledge, research, perspective and interest are different, so also there will be different narrative to be pushed to the people that suits their interest.

In that vain, it will be wise, for one to have some knowledge for himself about something or better still have some guiding principles that serves as watch dog to scrutinizing information or knowledge before accepting it to avoid been deceived. For me, I have some criteria I look for in any knowledge or information shared, which helps in determining the position I will take.


How I keep myself grounded
By being open minded: I do this by preconditioning my mind that I know nothing, with that, it keeps my mind open to new ideas and new discovery from another point of view without having a course to be dismay at anything at a point in time. Being open minded help me to adopt to new realities and changes that may look strange to me, and thereby making me versatile in knowledge.

By Reading of history books there is nothing new under the sun, that's means, anything happening now has once happened in the time past. Reading of history book, me keeps me grounded on what happened, and why is something happening now and the possible result of an action, because with the knowledge of history, you are better guided. Because, history tend to repeat itself.

By reading anything readable: it could be an abandon old news paper, it could a book, not in your field, it could be about a food from another culture, it could be a motivational quote or about biography of someone's life, it could be a post from facebook. The Idea is that, read anything readable. But in reading all these, there is a guiding principles that helps me filters information while reading.

Guiding principle that keep me grounded to filter information

who is giving an information: To be grounded on a result or knowledge researched about, one have to take into cognizance the person giving the information. Is he a professional in that field? Does he have reason to be biased? Does he have personal interest on that, that can impair his judgement?. These and many more things are to be considered when reading and searching for information in the internet or reading any paper. With the above considerable, one can be sure to gather considerable good information that can be relied upon.

Information or promise that is too good to be true: shouldn't be considered at all. In my facebook wall or in my whatsapp, I do received plenty of messages requiring I invest some amount to get 100% profit of what i invest within 2 hours. The investment sounds tempting, but is too good to be true, and should not be accepted as a valid info.

By doing and taking the above steps in my daily activities and decision, it help me to be grounded to the realities of things happening around me and the world at large.

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