If There was one message that you could get across to a large group of people. What would your message be and Who would those people be ?

Hell yeah it is time for the bi-weekly question of the @abundance.tribe tribe. I guess with one being even more crucial at the moment than any other may be. Well, not the question maybe, but how I will fill it in. So the question of the week is

If there was one message that you could get across to a large group of people. What would your message be and Who would those people be?

And this seems way much more easier to answer in the light of this weeks happenings here in the Netherlands.


This week in Holland a curfew has been launched to fight the Corona virus. If you agree with this or not is not the question in this one. It is more the question in what you action is to it. Because that is exactly what answers my question in this one.

After the launch of the curfew Saturday night, the Sunday evening is like a black spot market already now because of a tremendous amount of riots everywhere throughout the country. What started out as a peaceful protest against the curfew (which is okay! There is a right to protest for a good reason) ended up in just shitkids breaking everything they could find, with n in the saddest part trying to attack a hospital. Yes you are reading this well, rioters were attacking a hospital in the city of Enschede. How deep have we sunk?


These are not people anymore protesting against the curfew or against the Corona virus measures. These are people who are wanting to create chaos, and maybe are bored and just want to riot. And that is just wrong in this moment. So wrong.....

So when we go back to the question of the week or our friends at @abundance.tribe

If There was one message that you could get across to a large group of people. What would your message be and Who would those people be?

Then it would said to these groups of people. And yes it are large groups of people, because in a lot of different Dutch cities all of this was happening at the same time. So my message for them?

Don't be a dick. Just don't be a dick.

Regardless to what you believe in, or what you stand behind. These is just no reason to bust up a whole train station, or molest a hospital. Those are just basic supplies for all humans with the best intentions.

You are allowed to disagree to everything in the world (In Holland we are just really good in allowing this), but don't go and mess stuff up. I don't need to waste more words on this. Just don't be a dick.

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