Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

With the emergence of covid out break in some country's is really disheartening, if wondering how they may be doing in times like this make me really think a lot.

Speaking of grounded includes of washing of hands as really and keeping of distance and it is something we can do without in times like this, we may not be really considering nothing else but when it come to Washing of hands and keeping social distance, I think we should always have in mind.



Covid is really bad to Country's that may be suderiu from it in times like this and as it it now, I felt pity for those country's still going through dilemma. Because it never seized to make you all in that Country, go through hell, it keep you indoor and put you down in a lot more of loneliness in you.

Covid is like a headache to humanity where no one expect such thing to ever happen but it come out from no where an start disturbing us, now making our life a living hell, where our love ones will be afraid of us. where we will have no other choice or person to talk to, where we will be facing lack of friends and were we will have no other person to talk to than seeing the faces of our phones everyday.

when covid once came to my country Nigeria, that was as of last year, we were getting it hot, my friends all stays at home, it was now a problem for us to see each other, I used to start generator each day to see their faces on the internet, each day by day on social media and I use to go through their messages in social media each day to hear their voices resound on my head.

life was so tiring and difficult, lack of products was a thing of the day, high prices of goods and services was one of the things that contribute and make life bad and uneasy for us. my brothers could stay away from me and me too on the other side, I stayed away from them, just to observe social distance, this was so bad, life becomes a living hell.

I said to myself, what is the world turning into, what are we to do about this thing now, so much questions were going on, on our minds but we never got a single answer from it each day, it was one day that we see a difference in our country, were some strictly rules were lifted, People were free again to transact and do their business as usual, and approval was given by the government.

we now start getting our life's and our world back to normal, we didn't have to missed anyone again, we go to Many places as we want w and see our friends.

I could freely shake the hands of my people and loves ones. we were truly happy for seeing the end of the covid

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