Question "Understanding of the new normal"

I see people lost. I can't say I'm not, but at least I know what I want. The new normal for me is comeback to our hearts and if this help humanity to do it, welcome. I prefer to see the positive cause bad thing we have enough.

The new normal is comeback to the nature, plant our seed, eat a 50% of our own food. Cook . This is normal for me but I feel people just see life as a thing and not as a gift. A jewl maybe. And that here we learn to be. We didn't have the time to be.

Be or not to be, that's the question today.

I want to comeback to what I use to like , make nature be alive to can comeback to live too. And make a balance between work and life. Make it fun. Life is fun, life must to be fun, there must to be joy .

We all like humanity must to comeback to the simple.

People look scared behind a mask, we use to be sacred enough. No more. Is in our hand the new normal world.


Picture take it from google.

( this is a picture of La piedra enclavada , a stone in The sun town where I want to go to rest this time and comeback, this stone talks about origins )


This is a picture of Osho tarot , a new vision. Free man, free humanity ! out of fear, out of the tabú. We must to reborn to can live .

That is what normal is . Live <3 and be free of ourselves.Be brave and you will
know that happiness exist.

Thanks to Abundance Tribe for the question and can let us express .

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