Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

I do not see that they is any need to give concern about the government plans, one thing i came to understand is that, no matter what they world may be facing all the leader's in government will be to take advantage of the situation, so, what is they?


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why taking care of something that do not need your attentions, why being a follower when they leader neglect his roles and duties each day.

We are already familiar with the term covid, therefore, as it comes so will it go because we believe that, before we could even turn Our eyes, it would disappear, the technique i used to be grounded was push-up, everyday i will go to the mango tree located in my neighborhood to do some push up, since everything was restricted, they was no work, no employment and everything just went blank.

Company's could no longer make large production, because if they make it large in quantity who may use it, so they produce as little as they can to met up target, things were getting out of hands, market were rarely operating, each time i was Looking for products (Good's and services) i could no longer have a grasp of it, especially those things i spelt out to buy was always unavailable, and i will be left with no other choice than to buy something
i do not like.

Making me to lived without choice, which is very bad in a man life, Choice make you look reasonably in the minds of other's man around you but when they find out you do not have a choice, never can they have value for you.

Value and choice Walk the same way and anyone who leaves a another make it look not well and that is to say that, choice attract value and values as well can not be a whole without choice. To have choice, they must have been value and to be valuing choice must have been there.

I used to make push up more than fifty everyday just to make me have a purpose for the day, because one thing i used to see is that, walking up without objectives is bad, at times it would make you feel not too okay and not too glad but deep inside of you, you know you are okay but the challenges you are facing will rather, make it difficult for you to comprehend Life.

Also by so doing the time we were awesome and having to stay at home and it makes me glad and not all, started seeings myself developing some muscle and strong joint, i was handsome than before, and i was loving what i have become.

Push up is a kind of exercise, it will make you look healthy, it would make you firmly, it will also make you stronger than before and agile in mode of operations.

Push up can really took away negative thoughts and opinions from a man, he would began to see himself as bold enough in everything and it will also make you believe of strong you are.

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