Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - How Do You Keep Yourself Grounded?

I slept a lot in times of covid, sleeping has really help me to keep grounded during corona virus time, do you imagine that kind of sleep where you will sleep and wake up and then sleep again, where sleeping is now like an hubby to you?

When at times i could not help it but to sleep and when i wake up i will get fury of myself for it will Seems like i am wasting my moments staying at home, it was during covid period that i thought of having someone close to Mex maybe someone who will understands me and love me more than anyone else.

During this time i slept a lot but do you know what?
I was really experiencing it as one of the method taken that will make you grow fat, sleeping is just an attitude, if you deposited into that it would keep and make you go into it until the times when you said enough is enough.



Another thing that i combined during this times that got me grounded is eating a lot more of foods and intake of great food substance into the body, i do get happiness when i am eating what i Love, eating what you love is awesome and one of the best feelings so far. It will build up your body and it will add more value to your body.

Before i could even use eating and sleeping as a method in keeping myself grounded during covid period, the was a friend who told me about how he uses to eat so much and sleep and what doing this bring to him, he was nice when he told me that, this method is a kind of fruitful living as you will never for once consider anything that is not Worth doing.

Covid make us steady at home, twenty four hours steady at home and will tried to take that which belongs to us, yet, not knowing we are not so simple to try and deal with, when you get down when we do acted authoritative in his Operations, we do not bother wether to look at what that it might be doing or what but we keep striving and forget about his unpleasant dealing in the life of humanity, corona virus is worst than anything i have ever heard of , no that kind of virus before in the world that want to clear everybody on planet earth.

But we stood our ground and push harder and harder, without giving covid a breathing space to continue his meaningless operations in the world.

Corona virus outbreak has put so much bad thoughts on the minds of men in the world, it is a very bad virus and is Worth fighting at all costs so as to eliminate it in the world, which are loving and adorable to us, when you loved something you would always protect it no matter what may come in between.

Therefore, the method i adopted to keep myself relax was to eat and sleep till the end of the Lockdown.

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