Abundance.Tribe's Weekly Gems (Week of the 24th to the 31st August)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator, which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the Abundance.Tribe community are all writing content of high quality, which focus on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Today I wish to share 15 articles, from the tribe. We are living in times where we are being fed a lot of mis-information, so please be wise in what you choose to read and believe. The articles I have chosen are all about informing us, inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

A Homeschooling Overview for Newcomers



Homeschooling requires drastic changes in the lives of those accustomed to the government education system, but concerns about COVID-19 and the chaos surrounding school scheduling are driving more and more parents to consider it as an alternative to the disruption and uncertainty we face today.
Full disclosure: I am not a parent myself. However, I am a product of homeschooling, and I am a librarian in a community with many homeschoolers.
There are many different options for home education. If your mental image resembles the rigid schedules and officialdom of government school, you need to remember that there is a huge distinction to be made between school and education.


Covid, A Ghastly Head Cold & My Almost-Instant Natural Remedy



I was in despair. A horrible head cold came on, thanks to Miss 16 being back at school (finally!) full time on top of a tough, emotional week. Social distancing in class scrapped after almost 5 months of online and strict rules and, voila!, more than 60% of the class came down with a bad cold immediately in the first week back.
"I think my immune system musts have got a bit lazy all these months" Sorry!, said Miss 16 apologetically.
I stayed home for the day on Tuesday, did all the gentle things and rested and hydrated etc and honestly, I felt worse. My nose was literally dripping, although at the same time congested.


Unrealistic Expectations, Action and Mindset that bring pain



While there is a saying Life is a Roller Coaster and yes to an extent quite true, because we do not really know what the next moment will bring into us. What the next moment will bring will always be a mystery but how to deal with that next moment is definitely in our own control. So commonly we keep hearing this word Karma, and nowadays it has become a fashion to blame everything on Karma.
If we are in trouble, we say it's all my Karma coming back to me, but we never say it is my own doing that is messing up things for me and just because I am not in control of my own emotions, behavior, life, the shape up of my life is not happening the way I desire.


How foraging for wild edibles can heal your Mind, Body & Soul



Foraging is a natural & innate human behavior that we are already programmed with for our survival, at the same time its a skill that must be taught properly; to be sure you are identifying plants correctly and also picking respectfully, the activity itself becomes extremely rewarding, helps you to reconnect with nature, walking outside breathing the fresh air and exercising the body, at the same time coming home with something delicious to make for meal times.


NFL Shows Inaccuracies of PCR Tests, the CDC Stops Recommending Testing, and COVID-19 =/= sars-cov-2




What Role Does Consensus Have in Morality?


This morning I got to participate in a fascinating debate about reputation and identity on the blockchain which turned into a deeper philosophical discussion about morality. It was a fascinating 2 hour conversation including Vinay Gupta, Xavier Hawk, and other members of the growing Crypto Wednesdays community.
Things got especially heated in the last fifteen minutes when Vinay told me to shut up after I mentioned the role consensus plays in our frameworks for morality.


Happy Birthday Dad: How A 'Keep Moving' Philosophy May Have Kept My Father Alive



Today is my father's 73 birthday - a milestone by any stretch, but even more remarkable that he nearly died last year, and has survived two bouts of a very aggressive cancer. At the beginning of the second treatment, he was told to get his affairs in order. They were going to re-mortgage the house to send him to get a specialist treatment in Boston. But he responded well to the drugs, and this morning, we went for a quick stand up paddleboard in freezing Victorian waters - a bit of a loophole surf, as we're not meant to visit people, but if we see people out surfing, that's different - or in the carpark. It felt like nothing short of a miracle.


Tomato Soup: Processing comfort foods



At first glance, this post may be understandably taken as something to do with making tomato soup.
I grew lots of tomatoes this year in our Fantastica garden (there are still a few yet growing and being harvested), but most of the varieties are smaller tomatoes. Seeds were chosen in January (including chocolate pears, Barry’s crazy cherry, green striped zebras) for the best choices for small hands and big minds as we were planning for the after-school garden club and the youth environmental group more than for anything.
Then the global pandemic happened, and the garden took on a mind of its ow


Dublin Goes Viral And NYC Is A Ghost Town


As we watch Dystopia unfold, it becomes increasingly difficult to even report about it because the level of conditioning is astounding. That so many people don't even dare question the official narrative yet is so deeply unsettling. Let's not mince our words: this is a century-long tyranny that has been lingering and now showing its true intents.
Even going to the supermarket is challenging. Seeing all those people wear masks that do not even protect from anything just shopping like zombies and trying to stick to social distancing measures as much as possible is the evidence that we're being herded toward some dreadful destination.


Blacksmithing at home part 3: my apron, my first knife and tongs



My forge has arrived, yay! I finally can have some fun. But first of all, I needed to clear the garage to make large clean and safe place to forge. It took several days to clear out all the clutter that was piling up for a while. I did not rush things as I was busy with other stuffs around the house.
My apron
I bought this Crane punching bag at a local Aldi store several years ago, the straps were rotten due to moisture so I decided to cut it open and recover the outer shell (false leather) to make an apron, what I discovered inside shocked me, not only there were offcuts of fabrics and leather (that was a score for me as a diyer) but there was also a lot of filthy dirt and worse of all are heaps of sharp utility knife blades 😱 as seen on my recent tweet:


The Delusional 'Anti Conspiracy Theorist'.



As someone who knows the necessity of free thinking and removing limitations in order to reach truth and discovery in life, I have no problem at all with 'theories'. It's through theory that we can begin to explore new avenues of understanding and, indeed, this is part of the scientific method that has brought us basically all scientific discovery, ever!
As someone who pays attention in life and notices just how many people get arrested by police forces every day for all kinds of crimes, often involving groups of perpetrators working together, I have no problem at all with accepting that 'conspiracies' exist.


TCR Live #107: What is The Conscious Agora?



Stone Turtle Build - A Change in Plans



In my last post I mentioned the loction I'm currently in merely as "this place in Southern California"... And yes, the exact location shall not be disclosed. But since this will be my second post about it, I can't help but give it a name, even if it may not stick.
Calling a Place by a Name
So I thought, Stone Turtle sounds like a good moniker for this property, after the carved rock that may look like one... or a dragon, depending on the eye of the beholder. But Stone Dragon just sounds too much along the lines of Puff the Magic Stoner. Nothig against a good toke of reefer, but yeah dude, cough-cough... Besides, the rock behind his head just looks a lot like a shell. Aaaanyway...


The Art of War – Chinese classic with wisdom for today’s thinkers and traders



The ancient Chinese classic called The Art of War by Sun Tzu, is a martial text on strategy in defeating the enemy in battle, but it also teaches us to take command of our own minds and to win the battle against our own shadow. The ultimate enemy is the mind, or our own shadow natures and if we can win this battle, then we will win all the others.
The Art of War was written around 2500 years ago, during the time of Confucius and Lao Tzu, the other two great masters of Chinese culture and philosophy.


Life is a balancing act...



Hey beautiful people! This is an edited version of something I wrote a few years ago, and I think its a GREAT time to remind myself and everyone of some simple and life affirming ways to stay in balance. I think with the way things are today with our lives totally changed it is harder than ever to stay in balance. When i was younger i had no idea what being in balance meant, or how it helps us to feel and think so much more positively. These days I seems to flip flop, some days i do very well and manage to do many of the things i have written about in this post, whilst other days i seem to veer way off track.


Earth Deeds - Volume 20

Focalized by @Elamental

This contest is designed to inspire people to create content that reflects their services to the Earth. The process of creating and hosting this contest also makes me a better Earth custodian, inspires me to reduce my carbon footprint even more than I already am, and to continuously report on my actions of conservation.

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What makes you believe one thing more than another?

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.

This question today has been put forward by @tibra
What makes you believe one thing more than another?

See the full post


Sharing the Abundance GIVEAWAY!

Winners Update - Last Chance to Claim Prizes (+ Last Contest Winner)

Focalized by @ELAmental

Each Thursday on @Abundance.Tribe we will be hosting a giveaway from now on. It is our mission as a community to share the abundance that we so graciously receive ourselves.

*The purpose of this post is to notify and update all those that have previously won a prize or prizes in this contest, but have not yet claimed them. *

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Abundance Tribe Evergreen Collection #14: Breathing Life Into Paid Out Posts

Focalized by @artemislives

There are so many good posts which are enjoyed so fleetingly, or perhaps not at all. Maybe it was published before you joined Hive or not yet following that author? Or that was the week you were fasting in a yurt in Mongolia without wifi? Life happens and the 7 day post rewards window is short. Many would say too short. There are also just so many reasons why a post is overlooked, forgotten or received less reward than it should have: autovoters were down, token price crashed, or it was another Hard Fork within moments of you pressing 'publish".

Read the full post and enter the contest here


🌎🌎🌎 Cross Culture Question: What is something you love about the country you grew up in? 🌎🌎🌎

Focalized by @whatamidoing

Cross Culture Questions is a chance to get to know more about each other’s culture and dive into the deep topic that is culture, whether it be the culture of a country, a minority, a sub-culture or any collection of people. Hive across Culture is a community for discussing any aspect of any culture, cultural analysis, culture shock, comparison, or any aspects of a culture or country or language.

Read the full post here



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