I know many would be wondering what could possibly be discussed on the above topic, lols, I thought so too but came to the realisation that alot could be discussed on it and here in this post which happens to be my first, you would see my ideas.

We all were taught communication skills be it formally or informally because its the major means or medium with which we can interact with each other...

We all know there are several forms of communication one of which is the written form and the rest are beyond the scope of this piece

I am unable to pinpoint the exact time writing began but scholars and researchers have agreed that the earliest form of writing began about 5500 years ago in mesopotamia which is the present day iraq. There is a whole lot of history as to how writing began and how it progressed into the present.

Not going too deep into the past but focused on the present I would like us to bridge the gap between technology(typewritten form) and handwritten form of communication.

Even God wrote the ten commandment and handed it over to moses in the bible(deutoronomy 9:10)

Could we lose our ability to write correctly because of the constant use of technology?.

I will really love your thoughts and comments on this particular question because it's where the entire write up is centered on.

In the formal education, everyone who passed through it was thought amidst other things in communication how to communicate by writing and in ancient times it was the most used form, but with the introduction of science and technology and its advancements there has been a decline in handwritten forms of communication and we now communicate in writing through our phone, ipads, computers etc.

Truth be told I once stayed for about a year without getting the chance to make a handwritten piece because of technology, we just punch on our phones and screens and its all written for us with ease....when I finally got the chance to write, it became so weird and new to me, infact I made alot of errors because I became used to my phone and computer so much so that I almost lost my ability to write correctly and clearly as I did initially.
hands-1373363_1920.jpg Pixabay

So again I ask this question, could this be a problem to the next generation or are we beginning to see its effects or do we prefer to remain digital 100% in our writings?

For some the nature of their jobs require constant handwriting while for others it's entirely technological or in type written forms. Imagine picking up a pen to write after a long while of not having to write and its almost like you lost it or your trying to get it right all over again. I believe some companies or jobs intentionally still prefer handwritten applications as a means to test ones ability for the job which tour applying for knowing your handwriting could speak about your personality.

The topic should be an interactive one as I would like to share your thoughts on it, thanks.

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