Dream to Teach: My Classroom Adventure Begins

"Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of the individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honor for me.” – APJ Abdul Kalam


Greetings hivers, it's MsWhimsical returning once more. It's been a considerable time since my previous blog entry, so in this comeback, join me in this blog discussing the hurdles I've encountered recently on my path to fulfilling my dreams.


Aspiring to become a teacher is not merely a profession for me; it's a heartfelt passion and a commitment to shaping minds and fostering a love for learning. As I became closer to achieving my dream, the journey was never easy. Last month, on September 25, I was deployed as a student teacher with my other classmates in a private school for more than two weeks.

The school is an award-winning Christian private school located in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu, Philippines. It offers a highly revered K–12 curriculum along with special education (SPED).




I was tasked with observing the pupils in a lower grade. Though their stubbornness is evident, you also can't deny their kindness and generosity.





Prior to Teachers' Day, receiving gifts was unfamiliar to me. In my role as a student teacher,it's truly remarkable that, having been a student for an extended period, you've consistently been the giver of gifts to your teachers. However, the tables have turned, and now it's me who receives gratitude from the children as their teacher even for a short time. This heartfelt experience fuels my determination to pursue my future goal of becoming a certified teacher.



As our observation period concluded, the emotional parting words from students expressing their farewells, their feelings of missing me, and their hopes for future encounters touched me deeply. I'm pretty sure that my lower grade students will undoubtedly be missed.



After completing our observation at a private school, we patiently waited for several weeks to receive another endorsement letter from DepEd. This awaited letter would authorize us to proceed with our observations, this time in a public school.


Finally, on November 6, we resumed our roles as student teachers in a public elementary school. Unlike the private school where my initial observation involved supporting the resource teacher with student management and classroom maintenance, the public school presents more challenges. Here, I not only aid the resource teacher in managing the class but also take on some of her responsibilities.


Upon arriving at the school, everyone was immersed in preparations for an upcoming event. The teachers were especially busy rehearsing dance steps for the upcoming Lapu-Lapu City fiesta celebration.





Due to the significant workload of my resource teacher, she entrusted me with the responsibility of caring for her students. Despite not having official approval from our school to actively teach the children, given our current role in Field Study 1 and 2, which emphasizes observation, I felt it would be unproductive to let both my time and the children's time go to waste merely on writing activities provided by the teacher.



Consequently, I engaged in a conversation with my resource teacher, suggesting the possibility of her sharing the pending topics with me so that I could take on a more proactive teaching role.

Following my statement, she gladly provided me with the topics for that day and the upcoming ones. I find joy in aiding both my resource teacher and the children, but more significantly, it contributes to my personal growth. It offers me insights into the intricate role of being a teacher, where the students' learning is contingent on your guidance.




Through this experience, I've developed stronger connections with the children.


Despite budget constraints, I feel compelled to reward them, especially when witnessing their genuine engagement in learning.




Just like in the private school, our observation in the public school came to an end after a few weeks. While it's a bit melancholic, I find happiness in the wealth of knowledge I've acquired. Seeing the joyful faces of the children who have grown close to me also brings me immense joy.



I'm ecstatic to share that I've successfully navigated through the challenges of the first semester without any setbacks. With just one semester left on this academic journey, I'm on the brink of attaining my long-held professional aspirations.




This journey underscores the universal truth that significant achievements demand perseverance and diligence. With this, I conclude my current blog. Until the next post, Hivers.

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