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be creative! and try hot potatoas😏😏: My Interactive Tutoriel Video Hot Potatoes

I would be very delighted if you visit my tutorial in which I explained Hot Potatoes via an H5P youtube video.

Nowadays, because of the COVID-19, learning process became a very hard task for the teacher. in fact, due to the lockdown over the two years 2020-2021, students became less motivated in learning. 😓😥

that's why an active and creative teacher should always try to innovate his methods in order to grab his students attention and to create in them what we call extrinsic motivation, so why don't you try something new ? i know it may be hard for the first time but belive me it is very easy to manupulate andcan help solve some problems, such as limited time for teaching, undiversified exercises in textbooks and lack of teaching facilities....

and like the proverb says:

No Pain No Gain


* the link to my interactive video: just one click🤩

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