Crafty Era II: A Puppetry Show

Good day to the ever-vibrant Hive Community, I hope you're all in good spirits dear Hivers. Another amazing is yet to unfold before you everyone. Today I'll be sharing with you all this memorable experience that I've only ever experienced now. The feeling when you're group was being acknowledged for something that you all have worked out. The stress and pressures make everything worthwhile.

Have you all ever tried doing something that you're never sure about if it would be successful or not? Well, I guess that was what happened to me and my group for the puppet show that we presented in our class. Our new teacher on her first day of class gave us a challenging project, first, we were quizzed on 10 unfamiliar words and onwards, and the one that got the highest score was given the right to choose its members for a group activity, Each group has a consisting five members. Now, every group was told to assemble and make either a short story or anything that we could think about writing that's gonna be using those ten unfamiliar words that the teacher had given us for a quiz.

It was confusing at first since I didn't know exactly what it was that we should write about but then the members of my group were cooperative and they also shared each of their opinions and suggestions that's why we have come up with a story. Afterward, our teacher even prepared another twist for our activity. She now told us that we would be having a puppet show, using the storyline that we had made and presenting it to the whole class.

We were not given ample time but we tried and managed to prepare our overall concept of the show. We started by creating our needed materials just like the stage and puppets. It had been a challenging activity for me since I didn't have any prior experience in presenting a puppet show. I was nervous since there were a lot of things that needed to be considered while doing this and we also had to make sure that our performance would be all well.

It was a fun and thrilling experience doing a puppet show with my classmates and we all had a great time presenting to everyone in the class, we even had a judge who would evaluate our presentation and we're fortunate enough to be in third place, we were so excited and beaming with happiness since our efforts have paid off and we're also able to express ourselves through the characters that we have put into life.

That's it for my blog, Hivers! I hope that you have enjoyed reading it. Sayoñara and may you all have a great day ahead.

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