Hashtag & Tags Template : Flowers

In order to facilitate the choice of tags, here are a selection of Hashtag & Tags for each theme, you can adapt, swap or substitute them according to your choice. Today's tag is FLOWERS: #FLOWERS-RP


Communities tags

hive-184127, hive-181450, hive-105967, hive-140635, hive-141827, hive-119845, hive-155221, hive-145264,

Key words tags:

flowers-rp, flowers, fleurs, plants, flores, nature, naturephotography, color, life,

A few comments

  • instead of color you can indicate that of the flower;
  • if it is a drawing you can substitute photography with drawing

Tags specific to the future large hive catalog


💖Likely to interest
@hive-184127 / @hive-181450 / @hive-105967 / @hive-140635 / @hive-141827/ @hive-119845 / @hive-155221 / @hive-145264

👨‍🎓 For education

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