My First Week in CPSU as a 4th year student : Personality Development and Field Study book

Hello, my beloved hivers! It's been a long time. I've been busy my whole summer vacation. I wanted to write, but there's a part of me saying that I need to take my time resting while I can because deployment is waving. For today's blog, I wanted to share with you some of the things that had happened in my first week as a 4th year student. Are you ready? I am now, ready to face my life's battle.

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Other students might say that the first day is supposed to be a chill day for self-introductions, but no way. We were advised to be at the campus at 9 a.m. By the way, our major (the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education) was combined with the Bachelor of Elementary Education since our adviser is just the same. On our first day, we were already discussing random and important things to do during our deployment. I kind of felt pressured emotionally and financially. But thankfully, our adviser is one of a kind. He used to be my boss when I was still a working student, so I knew him a little. I used to tell my classmates about him since we were having subjects before, and we're all aware of the dos and don'ts. But the Beed (Bachelor of Elementary Education) wasn't aware of it yet. They didn't know that being absent in class was a sin for our adviser, and he promised to punish those who were absent at our next meeting. We were asked about our FS book, which is not yet ready, and we were given a chance to have it the next day. The discussion lasted a couple of hours until he was dismissed and told about the next tasks.

My first day is a busy one. I went home to pass my requirements in the municipal hall and travel back here on campus. It's very tiring, but I was so happy that I made it. I just knew that it's the deadline for the requirements, which is something I didn't expect.


This is me riding in a tricycle and used to take photos whenever I'm traveling. I'm afraid of being lost.

Here comes our second day, and our schedule is 2 p.m. We were waiting for our adviser to arrive while being so tense about what the next tasks would be. The next task was a group activity wherein we would be answering the assigned episode in Fs Book 1. Considering that one episode would take awhile, we were given 20 minutes to answer them. Me and my groupmates were in a rush to finish episode 9, but sadly, we didn't make it on time. But I am still thankful for the challenge. After 20 minutes, we pass our papers unfinished. Our adviser started to discuss FS Book 1. It was unbelievable and amazing for him to finish a whole book in one meeting. But he explains it smoothly. I wasn't able to take any photos since phones are strictly prohibited.

The next task is to wear Sunday's dress to our next meeting.

On our third meeting, it was more challenging to walk in the department while people's eyes were on us, asking for the purpose of doing those things. We were graded based on how we walked and carried ourselves. It was also emphasized that, as future educators, we need to have poise and bearing in everything that we do. We are always standing in front, meaning that every eye is looking at us and judging us based on how we look physically, even without knowing our inside behaviors. It's a reality, and the main objective of our adviser is to train us on how to be a better version of ourselves, especially when we are deployed.


Photo owned by Jade A.

Sir Adviser: "It's more hurtful when people criticize and judge us, so better practice things while we're still in school. I'll be the judge, and I'll try to help figure out things if it's not pleasant in the eyes."

The most challenging task is to answer the Fs Book 1 in a big record book and pass it next week. After class, we decided to travel to the city to look for a big record book. Fortunately, my mom send me money in my gcash account. I was thinking about where to find money though.


Being a fourth-year student is not about hanging out with friends or just being chill. It was definitely hard and challenging, to the point that you'd be drained of everything. Being emotional is not necessary at this moment, but I feel like crying every time I think of it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Please support me by upvoting and leaving a comment. I am humbly asking for your help to assist me with my financial issues regarding my studies.

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