From School to Community Outreach

Hello, my beloved hivers! It's been awhile since I've written my last content. I was quite busy these past few days. What's up?
Today, I'm going to share with you one of the best moments of my course, and I hope you'll love it. Please bear with my errors because I'm not that perfect at writing content. Thank you for understanding.

One of the requirements to pass our subject was to look for a daycare center where we wanted to visit and enhance the classroom. We can even donate something useful for the learners in that particular center.

The whole section chose Camanga Daycare Center since it's the nearest on campus and we know that most of the residents living there are poor.

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But why a daycare center? We are early childhood educators.

It's within walking distance, but little did we know that the place was so challenging to reach. It's like climbing the rocky, rough road at the top of the mountains.

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We first visit the place and talk to the teacher in charge at the center. She was shocked to see that we were coming because we didn't ask for her consent. I suggest to those who will read this blog that before going to a place for a visitation or something, make sure to inform the person in charge or at least send them a message.

When we got there we survey the place. We saw a small single room with crystalized windows, with no curtains. At first we thought it's a house but that was the place that we were supposed to visit. It's a simple classroom yet comfortable for the learners. We were mesmerized by the captivating scenery of the surroundings. The air can make your mind and soul calm.

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I wished and prayed that this place also be given attention because I can see that there are a lot of people living here. There are a lot of learners who need education. I believe that if there's additional facilities for elementary and high school, then it can be a great help to those learners who are struggling to walk and travel just to study in the other barangays.

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After a short chitchat with the teacher, we discovered that she's a newcomer and that she told us that the center has a lot of things needed. We take note of that so that the next time we visit, we are able to at least try our best, if possible. The class decided to go back to campus. We discussed the things that we needed. We all agreed to bring "instructional materials" the next time to be used by the teacher in her class. I also suggested bringing something like snacks for the learners. Others might say that it's not necessary because our main goal is just to enhance the classroom. But I guess it's not just the place but the learners as well.

Fast forward.

The time has come. Everything is set. Snacks from our allowances are packed well. We even made logos for the packaging. And we also brought notebooks and pencils for them. Everyone was excited to go, but some were late. We agreed to go there at exactly 8 a.m., so we decided to leave the latecomers to teach them a lesson and be early the next time.

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Seeing the smiles and laughter of the learners melts my outmost being. It hits me to the core that everyone in the community needs this opportunity and a great helping hand.

I realized that being a teacher is not an "easy-peasy" task. It needs patience, dedication, and passion for teaching. You're not only a teacher; you can also be a nurse, nanny, entertainer, and many more. If you're a short-tempered person, then I suggest you check yourself to see if you're that sincere to continue pursuing this course.

But even though it's tiring, at the end of the day, everything will be worth it and satisfying.

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The school can be a great way to help the community be a productive and comfortable place to live.


First of all, I would like to thank God for giving us this opportunity to experience something satisfying. To our subject teacher, ma'am Meme, I wasn't able to speak with you, but I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for requiring our class to participate in this outreach program. Not only did we gain a good grade from this, but I genuinely learned so much. It's like advancing at a high level in my journey.

Lastly, to my beloved hiver's, thank you so much for reading my blog. It's not that good but I do hope you learn something from this. Thank you and I love you all.

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