A Former Class Officer's Reflection

Where It All Began

I planned on living my Senior High School life with just being hyper-focused on academics. But as I'm writing this, though being hyper-focused with something is not inherently bad by it's own. It does, however make you prone to burnout. Thus it's always best to be able to switch things up as to give your mind a breathing room for itself to rest by any means necessary.

Anyways, and so I went to school. I made a good first impression with my fellow classmates and teachers during introductions before the orientations were over.

Due to the impact of my introductions, during the election, I was actually nominated first as the mayor of the class, but I didn't vote for myself to be elected because of reasons in which I could describe as "I've locked myself in an invisible cage to where instead of never being able to have freedom, I would never the drive to be able to handle that much extra tasks in which will only clash against my personality, as well as handling other people, it connects much with how I trust myself more since I control myself rather than the unpredictability of people in which I have no control over."

And so I laughed as I watched the votes, the actual mayor of our class was decided on a one vote difference because I had ever so believed subconsciously that I had control of my own fate and it really did manifest...

But I could never escape being the Vice-Mayor of the class, and so the election continued with the same democratic system of nominations and voting processes.

I delivered my speech literally saying:

"Thank you for electing me as Vice-Mayor, now I will immediately resign this position."

and people thought I was joking... I wasn't.

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The elected officers of our section. (I tried to look "professional", now I just look uncomfortable lol.)

The Good

Although this was never a part of the plan, I did what I had to do and even took a few advantages of it. The photo below is my magnum opus.

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I'm joking of course. Me and the mayor of the class was just having fun with the class funds while we're still on break.

Anyhow. As the vice-mayor of my class, though not having as much of an impact of being a full on representative of the section like the mayor, I've had situations to where people still relied on me in certain affairs outside of the classroom. And it really does feel nice when you are being relied on by a number of people, because it shows your capabilities and the people trust that capabilities of yours thus also saying they trust you. That trust is something I take pride of when facing something against you.

Another opportunity I never really knew I was taking advantage of until I noticed it myself was how being in a position like this, it forced me to be more sociable and expressive in a way that stands authority or playfulness. It really helped as I became more self aware on how I was able to talk to people with value inside those conversations. So the results are, I made friends!

I actually thought that before school started, I was actually never going to be able to get friends. The effects of the pandemic as it really did make me more anti-social towards people was still lingering inside my mind but because I was forced in a situation to where I had to communicate. That anti-social aspect of me is just gone now, and even now as I'm no longer in this position for this 2nd Semester. I'm having fun with going up to random people for random conversations, whether silly or questions like:

"Plato's idea of the world of forms suggests that a cup in our real and objective world has a perfect form in his idea of the world of forms. So I'm ask you, whether a bathtub would still be considered a cup? since their use are that they hold water, just in different capacities of course"

and of course they'd just stare at me as if I'd done a crime...haha XD

And finally, responsibility and accountability. There's not much I can say other than being responsible and accountable to yourself and towards others is inevitable when growing up and learning it is something we all should strive for to have more control on our lives. It really did hit me when I did all of those errands for my teachers and I kind of got "lost" so I had to get some assistance from my fellow officers and so that problem got taken care of.

The Bad (Kind of)

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Math... need I say more? haha

I think it's just my lifestyle that's bad. And specifically talking about that day to where I stood up late at night and scrolling mindlessly on Tiktok. Then morning comes, I go to school and my teachers and other school-related affairs hammer me with tasks since the mayor also has 5 times more of the same situation I'm having and I was not in the mood of being productive that day, so after doing those things. I got ill for like 3 days from overworking myself with no sleep so now I learned my lesson... kind of :3

Main Takeaways

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To simply put it. I'm growing up, as I begin to appreciate and bask under the light of controlled challenges and doing quests in this institution.

As well as, expressing yourself. I still may not be good enough (in my standards), but I'm always making the most of it. Even in an abstract form of communication like this blog to being blunt on how I criticize those who need criticism. It's a part of who I am as I'm still trying to figure out this game of life that I'm living.

All Photos were captured from my friends and my own smartphone.

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