What Are the Benefits of Art Education for Children?

The entertainment value of art education leads some administrators and community members to overlook the other benefits of the class. Art programs are sometimes scaled back or eliminated when budget cuts are necessary. The enjoyment of art education is only one beneficial aspect for kids. Skills developed in art education often transfer to other areas of life and school work.

Hand-Eye Coordination
Art projects often require kids to use their fine motor skills to complete tasks. Holding a narrow paint brush, cutting with scissors and sculpting clay are a few examples of art activities that use fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. By participating in open-ended art projects, the kids get a chance to practice those skills without being judged on the outcome. The more often they practice the fine motor skills, the more improved they become. The improved fine motor control carries over to other situations that require hand-eye coordination and other precise movements.

Art education is a creative opportunity for kids, according to Abrakadoodle, a national art education program. Some children may not have access to art supplies or creative activities at home. By offering art education in the school system, all children get a chance to stimulate their imaginations, as well as their cognitive and problem-solving skills. After, they have to think through how they are going to make their imagined creations real. These problem-solving skills enable them to think creatively in other situations, which can boost their academic results.

The enjoyable nature of art projects engages most students. Because they enjoy the artwork, they are better able to concentrate on the task, sticking with it from beginning to end. Finishing the project gives the kids a sense of accomplishment, which can be particularly empowering for kids who have struggled in other areas of school.

Most subjects in the educational system are based on facts, with correct and incorrect answers. Art education offers a more open approach and celebrates the differences in finished products. Kids learn that there is more than one way to complete the art project. They are able to express themselves and their emotions through the artwork. Students also have the opportunity to interpret other artwork, either from classmates or in famous works of art.

The open-ended nature of art education also allows kids to take more risks in their projects. Because there is flexibility in the outcome, kids don’t feel as much pressure as they create. They know that the finished product will be accepted even if it doesn’t look exactly like all of the others. This can help kids build a sense of confidence that may carry over to other areas.

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