A Lineman’s View ~ As A Storm Rolls In

As we were changing out these transformers that got hit by lighting earlier in the morning, I took a moment to have a look around. This bank of transformers powers a 500hp pump which helps to water the thousands upon thousands of acres of apples we were surrounded by. I really wish the apples were ripe, I could have used a crunchy Fuji at the time. Be careful it is easy to get lost while wondering through this place. Your GPS on your phone doesn’t work for crap out here. This orchard is massive and is owned by First Fruits. Next time you see the produce guy stocking apples take a look at the box. Washington Apples are like no other.

Take a wrong turn or back up a little too far and your truck may end up in the Snake River. We were a mile or so above Ice Harbor Dam and looking to the southwest we could see round 2 of the storm making its way toward us. We had to shut down early due to a massive amount of lighting filling the sky. Then the storm hit, wind, rain, lighting, and then came the outages. After working until 1 am we came back and finished this job up after getting a little sleep.

I hope you enjoyed another episode of
A Lineman’s view

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