006 Pastor Peter John Peters: Heaven A Diversion

Prophets of Baal want you to think that this world is not your home. They persuade people into believing a fallacy: "This world is not your home, and it doesn't matter what is happening. You are just passing through.". Songs about "Building a cabin in the Glory Land" are being sung while clergy is living in elite suburbs...

God never told us that we are "just passing through". Taking care of this world is our duty: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. - Genesis 1:28

In this lecture, Peters exposed the deceitfulness of the corrupt clergy, who often represent themselves as followers and doers of the Word of God.

God told you to fight. Life itself is a continual struggle between you and You. In the war between Light and Darkness, there is no neutrality, and there are no "pauses". The war rages on, non-stop.

You can't serve God before you become a master of yourself. He who hasn't conquered himself can offer only slavery to others. DO NOT bow down to your weaknesses, and do not serve them. Choose to walk the path of righteousness no matter how frightful, and painful the challenge might be.


a) Ukraine Front: https://ukrainefront.com/category/pastor-peter-john-peters/

b) Telegram: https://t.me/NoKingButJesus

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