The "Spanish Flu" was a Freemasons (Rockefeller) genocide trial run they murdered!

The "Spanish Flu" was a Freemasons (Rockefeller) genocide trial run they murdered!
Tens of thousands of innocent , uneducated, non suspecting Filipinos, since 1905. The KNEW what to expect! it is not "and experiment gone horribly wrong" as the misinformed narrator utters! If you do your research, you will discover their modus operandi, and motive! They keep it a "SECRET society, for a REASON! if Freemasonry were a benevolent organisation, it would not have been SECRET! BEWARE! be LOGICAL! God bless!
Lethal injections have always been their weapon of choice. The perfect slow kill which can then keep their murderous cult a secret or appearing to be a ethical organisation.

It is my belief that the people of Germany caught on to what the mandated vaccines were doing to people. Hitler, a globalist on a national scale (think of Agenda 2030, globalisation at a national and local level) was the bankers puppet to pull in the disengaged.
This possibly scary article explains @livingthetruth11/hitlers-vaccine-mandates-and-clause-surrounding-them

Talking about Hitler or Jews scares so many people sadly. They will try to avoid it to preserve themselves, their mind or wealth. So history will sadly repeat because people cannot get over that fear. It might financially harm them or they may face consequences. People don't want to lose their financial wealth for the sake of truth or research.

In my experience of telling truth through self-representation, it did actually provide me with a financial compensation award. But the threats are also scary. So people avoid truth and research so as to avoid the threat.

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