How to live in the most dangerous neighborhood of Caracas Venezuela, Petare.

Greetings to all this great community. I want to send you a brotherly hug from all Venezuelans, those of us who are still in our country and also those of us who have had to leave it, fleeing from so many evils that afflict our ways of living such as poverty, lack of public services. necessary to be able to live with dignity, insecurity, etc.

The people most wanted by the security forces at the moment in that area are criminals nicknamed "El Koki" and "El Conejo" who have in their possession more than 100 men with assault rifles and automatic pistols.

I'll show one video on multiple posts as I can't put them all together.

Videos allowed and authorized to show by @romancamacho and by @GabrielJorgeJG "Venezuelan event journalists" as well as some photos taken by me.

These situations carried out by the Venezuelan security forces endangered a large number of lives in the place where they were carried out, including the largest road artery between states called the Autopista Regional del Centro that unites 2 very important states of Venezuela. in the central area such as Caracas and Aragua, in addition to the population of Tejerias belonging to the state of Aragua.

I hope that this community can digest these illustrations well, I just want you to know how a Venezuelan lives in his country.




PS: Some videos and photos that appear in this video are the author of @romancamacho Venezuelan journalist from his twitter platform. @GabrielJorgeJG Venezuelan politician also on the Twitter platform and on the state television channel Venezolana de Television.

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