The Breath Method


Mutton Chop Piper:

"The Breath Method" is a type of breathing technique used in Pipe Smoking.

It utilizes the breath as a form of regulating the experience of the tobacco burn, the temperature of bowl (which affects the levels of condensation created naturally within the bowl), the flavour of the tobacco (due to the slow pace of the smoking which allows the coaxing of the wonderful flavours within the tobacco, rather than forcing it out) and the enjoyment of it all.

This method of using the breathe to control, regulate and coax the tobacco during the smoke is very, very meditative.


Hey! Hey! Before you go i gotta you like card magic? Well i just so happen to be one of the very few magicians on HIVE...and I need your help in spreading the Spirit of Magic up in this joint!
So if you find the time, please support my page with a follow and check out my card artistry, performances, magical philosophies and pipe smoking rambles! I'm certain you'll be most...ahem...delighted!
Peace out!

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