Weird times. Time to take a big break from Hive?

Weird day. Seems like I made a bad choice to be in Boise. Maybe, maybe not. Are people active on Hive? Is it ok to copy and paste videos from youtube or bitchute on to threespeak without citation? It would seem that is the case. Do people watch videos on threespeak? It seems as though not unless you get a big upvote. Snapshot tokens is delayed because of peerplays dex being behind. Leaving comments on people's posts but not getting replies. Is Hive a ghost town? It seems as though it is.

I guess feytenal is the drug of choice in Boise. Weird. At least that is what these kids were saying today at this church event. Just weird day. Kind of discouraged today seems like this will be my last post for a long time.

I am supposed to onboard someone to Hive on Wednesday using threespeak but I am probably going to hold off. Seems like threespeak is a ghost town getting laughed at for my views. Great points being made pointing out my older videos on Bitchute and odysee is getting more views. Maybe need to step away for a looong time while this platform gets things organized. As it is Snapshot is delayed big time and no responses on posts from threespeak or theycallmedan so time to take a break I think.

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