Six Months To Super Human: Day Twenty Two

Self Observatory.

Take a peek at my journal. It may be painfully awkward at times, and at others so amazing that your eyeball skin peels off and flutters, stunned, to the floor. At still other times it may lull you to sleep like a cherubic infant after a long day of farting and pooping. Probably it’ll mostly be somewhere in between.

I’m taking a 6 month hiatus from my homestead project to level up my game. I’ll primarily be working on 3d digital art with #Blender but I will also be working on revitalizing my Yoga practice, Meditation practice, Workout routine, and of course Saving that Seed ;)

The music is a cover of “Since I Fell For You” by my old band Groove Service. I miss those guys.

#vlog #diary #journal #selfimprovement

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