The Most Stressful Job Program That I Went Through

This is a video I made back in 2019 about a job program that I thought would help
me find a job that's right for me, didn't work out. I was given a counselor that refused
to believe I am autistic because I don't fit the stereotype. As a result of this, was not
placed correctly/didn't get the proper help.
It seems like this program is for disabled people who are seeking employment, who
were previously employed.

The coach never made it clear how many applications she expected us to send in, yet was constantly on my back when I wasn't sending out enough applications.

The coach said I wasn't emailing her enough yet she never made it clear how many times a week i needed to email her and for what reason(s) to email her.

Also its tought for doisable people to get a job for various reasons so why was it such a shock to her when someone wasn't applying for enough jobs.

I will link some blog articles that I wrote about this

Sings I missed that that program would not help me

[The most stressful program that I went through

Ignorant 'professional claimed I am not autistic

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