Time to give thanks


I was called into the Director's office today unexpectedly. I wasn't at all concerned, I've nothing on my conscience, however I was rather curious considering it rarely happens. I went in, sat down and exchanged pleasantries and chatted about stuff until he got to the point.

It seems some of our (my) clients had contacted him directly and spoken about me specifically and the Director wanted to address it personally.

Again, I was curious but unconcerned; his body language indicated there was nothing wrong and as it turns out, there was everything right!

I was pleased to read some of the positive feedback my clients had sent him and, without sounding boastful, it made my day week month and more. I am paid well for what I do but to have that feedback is what fills my cup, so to speak. It's rewarding. Sure, I need to earn money and compliments, no matter how nice, don't buy groceries, but it's amazing how uplifting and empowering they can be, and how the endorsement from clients can make one feel so good...and that makes people better at what they do. I think gratitude, for that's what they were showing towards me, is incredibly powerful.

I'm not one to need motivation from external sources, I'm a self-starter, but that doesn't mean it's not important, valuable and positive to receive by way of gratitude, thanks, favourable comments and endorsements. Of course, having advocates out there promoting me to people and organisations I don't even know yet is always good for business. It's nice to know when one's hard work is appreciated and I think it's also nice to show that appreciation and give thanks when due.

I wonder about you though. Are you one to thank, and show gratitude towards, those who do a good job for you or assist in some way? Have you received such thanks and gratitude? I think we all respond well to it and should all know when it's time to give thanks.

Tell me about your situations in the comments if you'd like.

Also, here's a shit photo of one of my watches I took the other day; not the best, but that's ok, it'll do.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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