
Looking out my kitchen window one morning I see a white rabbit. Since I don't drink much I figured it was real.

A Domestic rabbit won't last long where raccoons and hawks make their living here in the rural suburbs.
So I got my have-a-heart trap and large cat carrier out to catch the bunny.

Using fresh romaine lettuce as bait it was easy. In fact I didn't need the trap. Rabbit walked into the carrier and I closed the door behind as he/she ate the lettuce.

That was someone's pet, it was very tame.


I quickly made a temporary enclosure to protect it from predators and weather.

Spoke to my next door neighbor and she told me her son saw a white and gray rabbit in her yard the last two days.
So I set the trap and caught the gray one.

I wasn't planning on keeping them but finding someone to take them. In the mean time I read up on how to take care of them & made a fenced in area for them to get exercise.





I asked around the area to see who had rabbits or who could take them off my hands. Finally after no results I asked a farmer who runs a farm stand and she got me in Touch with a family that raised different animals.

The family said they would find homes for them. Thought the rabbit situation was over until my neighbor called and said 2 more rabbits were spotted.



Caught the 3rd rabbit in my trap and the last one was a real big White one which was tame but would hop away just when you touched him. Finally the neighbor caught him with a fishing net. The farm family took them too. But it did take $20 a rabbit the family needed to have the bunnies checked out by a Vet according to local laws.,

Wondering where these rabbits came from? Well pets like these become unwanted for various reason. They are bought at Easter as babies and soon become a burden to take care of. Rural places where I am become dumping grounds.
The Guy who took the rabbits said a while back someone had dropped off goats and pigs in the area. 🥵

By the way that 1st White rabbit with the red eyes I named Harvey..

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