"Sketchtember 2023 Week 1"

Sketchtember 2023 Week 1

Hi everyone!

Welcome back to emanate artworx. We're finally in the home stretch of 2023 and getting so close to the world- renowned Inktober. 😱 This post is me joining the Art Park Sketchtember challenge, gearing up!

For Sketchtember Week 1, "Redraw a drawing from last year," I'd like to share my before and after of a digital landscape painting I originally made in September 2022. It's based on a picture I took in rural North Texas. Both versions were made with IbisPaint for Android.

Honestly, this summer has been so stressful! My day job has taken up a lot of the time I would otherwise use to create paintings. But I have to keep going on my art journey, so even though I want to do more, this is OK with me ⛅️.

To me, they both look like they can be improved 😭😂. Although, the 2022 version did take a lot longer to make, that must mean I've improved on my speed, at least. The 2023 version took 45 minutes to complete. 2022 version, 3 hours and 45 minutes

On the 2023 version, I like how the red background shows through because it adds some color contrast, and it mimics the color of the soil that can be found around here.

I used a lot of different brushes for the 2022 version, but for the redraw, I used this cute brush called "Hard Crayon" by Popticz. I found it from reading a post by @takethecrown the other day.

All in all, my composition and speed have improved (less "dead space" on the new one 😅) in the last year. I've also become more familiar with using layers and blend modes, the best part about making digital art!

Thanks a bunch to @artpark for introducing the Sketchtember initiative on Hive. Yay! 🥳 Love you guys. So excited to see what Inktober 2023 turns into! More art!

⬆️In case you want to join or see what's next⬆️

Until next time,

▪︎Thumnail pic made with Canva for Android
▪︎Landscape paintings made with IbisPaint for Android
▪︎ArtPark images belong to @artpark

Sketchtember 2023 Week 1

This is a cross post of @emanate-artworx/sketchtember-2023-week-1 by @emanate-artworx.

Sketchtember 2023 Week 1

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