Zack in Japan #1 (Transcript)


I've been working on a concept to a sister podcast to Untangled Knots, this one will be audio only with some nice visuals of my life in Japan or wherever I may be at the time. I'll be writing transcripts before hand and then keeping them in front of me, but as with this time, I'll stray from the manuscript for sure because I'm only glancing at it once in a while

I'll be putting these up on 3speak first sometimes. The goal is to both increase my audience with the right people at youtube and also give people incentives to come over to Hive. It'll take some time to balance everything out

Here is the manuscript for Zack in Japan #1

I've been having these podcast conversations with friends from different countries around the world. So far I've put up videos talking to friends from Nigeria, Venezuela, and Indonesia.

The goal of the podcast is to dig deep into how we see the world and try to understand each other's perspectives better. I want to connect with these people as individuals while also being completely aware of our different upbringings and experiences.

In the future I hope to talk to some friends who see the world or live life differently from the majority because culture is not just about which country someone is from.

I've chosen people who I get along well with who also try to look at things from different angles, and who I've had incredible conversations with before. I want to share some of the things that we've learned through our conversations.

The other day a friend recommended that I focus instead on making videos that deal with Japan because "not so many people are interested in countries like Nigeria"

When he said it, I felt mildly annoyed, because I hope that people can be interested in all different countries and lifestyles cultures around the world. I feel sad that many people don't care about certain places in the world ....but at the same time, I realize he has a point.

Japan is insanely popular. There are people around the world who are obsessed with this country.

That in itself isn't enough for me to stop what I'm doing and start focusing on Japan. My whole reason for making content in the first place is that I think it feels meaningful and fun. Trying to get as many clicks as I can is not enough for me to do something like this.

I'm confident that by keeping it exciting for myself, I'll feel fueled to put tons of energy into it and that'll lead me somewhere I want to be. I'm not looking to reach as many as people as possible, I just hope to reach the right people.

That being said, I've lived in Japan for 8 years and there is a whole lot that I can say about it. So without stopping what I'm doing already, I've decided to start talking about my experience in Japan and also my experience adapting to other cultures, learning languages, and this process of creating and recreating myself.

Considering I'm not trying to maximize views and also that I've had unique experiences and come at things from a different angle, I think I'll have a unique perspective to offer people. I'm still in the process of figuring out exactly what I'm gonna share, but I have no shortage of ideas, it's just about picking the best ones.

Being able to jump in and out of a culture at will has been totally liberating and I hope I can share that process and make it easier for people.

In the future I'll also have Japanese guests on the podcast too. I know the visual and audio on those conversations is still a bit underwhelming, but we are using skype and instagram and this mic doesn't work with those. I'm a bit scrapped for cash at the moment, but when I can I plan to buy some equipment to level everything up.

At some point, I may say something that offends someone, and if that's the case, I hope you can just ignore it because my goal isn't to change the way anyone things. I only hope to offer tools that people can use how they see fit, and stories that people can enjoy listening to. If I censor myself it'll be a disservice to people, so please be gentle, I'll try to do the same.

This right here is a test to see how it feels and to find a rhythm for myself. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions about Japan and getting used to life in another country or culture, ask away.

Love you all

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