It only matters what you put out there

This one is for all my fellow cynics, trying to cut back on the cynicism. What you didn’t know I was a cynic?

You might not think of me as a cynic because I always focus on the good, and I have some pretty wacky beliefs. Rest assured, I’m a cynic at heart, I am just so positively charged that most people don't realize it.

I have a bad habit of getting sucked into intellectual debates and analysis. It’s good to use your brain sometimes. But I want to play. I think that’s what matters most, our capacity to enjoy.

Even though I know this, I constantly forget. My brain likes being busy and solving problems and that’s not a bad thing, but sometimes I lose the broader perspective.

Life isn’t a puzzle to think our way out of. It’s a canvas to paint on and a mystery to explore.

I have to smack myself sometimes and remind myself…

Remember to have fun

Why didn’t my date like me? It’s probably not cause she didn’t like my ideas or face or personality. I just didn’t make it fun enough.

Why wasn’t I popular at work? It has nothing to do with my ability or the bosses problems (even if he was a dick sometimes). Nobody saw the fun side of me because you are nervous or negative and I didn’t believe them capable of enjoying.

Energy is everything.

You can make the best movie script in the world but if the actors don’t have the right energy, it’s garbage. You could have a plan to change the world but without the right energy, nobody believes in it. You can do a great job but with the wrong energy, nobody notices.

This is one of my most useful meditations, a constant self reminder to have fun.


If you really get good at this, the magic is undeniable.

I’ve taught students who everyone else said would never learn.

I’ve become a legend in neighborhoods that I lived in.

I’ve even been granted visas that aren’t supposed to exist.

I’ve had people break down and tell me their deepest secrets.

I’ve turned the most mundane experiences into a blast for everyone involved.

This is a super power we all possess. We just need to practice it. Getting into the flow and just sharing that good energy with others. We find the energy within ourselves, a playful creative force, and then we let it loose, while Aso benign aware of where others are at.

This is not a power to be abused. It doesn’t work all the time and it’ll work even less if you try to use it just to get what you want. You need to have a sincere desire to bring others up with you, otherwise you’ll end up falling flat on your face and getting into more trouble than you can imagine.

You can’t play favorites. Just because you like that person sitting over there, you can reserve all your fun for them. You have to give it freely.

But if you do, the universe and everything in it responds.

You don’t have control over everything that happens, but you always have control over what energy you put out there.


My music:

My lazy vlogs:

my mini-novella series:

Confessions of the Damaged - Out Now!


🎬Self Help For Trolls

🎸I + Everything

📕 Confessions of the Damaged OUT NOW :-)


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