The importance of maintaining a healthy relationship in a joint family

Only we can teach our kids


Yesterday we went to a family ritual that reminded me the importance of maintaining a healthy relationship in a joint family - a very strong value that is slowly fading away. With time, most people want to live in a nuclear family, and forget all others but then there comes a time when you really miss all the strength that you get from maintaining that good relationship. I understand the pain points that you have to face if we are forced to stay in a joint family. With time, the good old days of big joint family is like a lost paradise. But at least we can maintain close relationships with everyone by being present when the necessity arises. For some people, there are excuses not to attend these occasions but with that trend, slowly our kids getting habituated with living an artificial life (ya, all the gadgets are their relatives) and they don't even recognize relatives. But remember one thing - those blessings, encouragement, inspirations that they get from the elders in these occasions are expensive - now a days, you won't get blessings for free.



It was the final ritual on the sad demise of my wife's uncle, on the 12th day, after all the acts of rites at home, the family offers a meal inviting all near and dears. Even though, its a little far from my house, I always ensure, we attend all such family functions, specially these ones. These are the occasions, when you see all the family members at one place and let the kids know everyone. And this gathering brings the strength in the family to start a new journey.







The day was super hot, there were no air conditioners, everyone was sweating but none of these could affect the joy of the gathering which makes us more hungry. Kids initially were complaining but slowly they forgot everything and started enjoying the company.







They were the ones who ate at last - the son and the son-in-law. The lady met most of her family members and the meal offered was a pure vegan lunch ( no onion or garlic even) but it was delicious. No one was willing to leave even after finishing the lunch - ever experienced it ? We went to their home to spent some more time and capture some nice moments.






Kripa - the little adorable girl did not realize us the time. Ask her where her school is and she tells her school is in a foreign country. Everyone enjoyed her company. And all the uncles sharing their life stories - how many times they failed before becoming success. While we were busy in one room, all the elderly ladies were busy talking in another room and it was me who spoiled the plan - we had to leave so that we could come back before evening.


The road by which we went, goes through a wild forest. It was fun to see boards put there saying Elephants are our friends :) We did capture some nice moments in the scenic environment, I will post them soon. Here is a glimpse.




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