Reincarnation and the person I reincarnated


Reincarnation sparks endless debates. Believers argue souls are reborn into new bodies, while skeptics dismiss it as fantasy. Its essence lies in the soul's journey through successive lives, shaped by karma. Regardless of belief, reincarnation fuels profound contemplation about life, death, and the mysteries beyond.

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In my part of the world, about half of the people believe in the existence of reincarnation, while the other half don't. I grew up in a local setting where reincarnation was and still is a real thing. We don't joke about it; immediately after a child is born, they would know whom the child reincarnated, and if it doesn't appear instantly, the signs would pop up within the first year, usually through severe sickness.

According to my dad, I reincarnated a warrior. Before I was born, when my mom was pregnant, the man whom I reincarnated appeared to my dad in his dream, telling him that "he's coming to his house." Immediately after I was born, my dad knew that he was the one that returned in me.

Although the signs didn't appear instantly and I didn't fall sick at birth, it was said that around age 5 or 6, they noticed my deep phobia for local cannon shots.

Most times, the child that reincarnated the person reacts opposite to the things that the person used to do when they were alive. For example;

  • if the person was a good swimmer, the child might be very scared of water bodies.
  • If the person was not a good dancer, the child might grow to love dancing.

In my case, the man was a hunter and a warrior. He was always seen with guns and even shot them at festivals. That's why I came out so afraid of gun sounds, especially the cannon sound, which has a very loud sound and acts like an earthquake whenever it's being shot.

Apart from my dad, other uncles and aunts who knew the man when he was alive believe that I really reincarnated him.

If it is actually true that I picked my fear of cannons from the opposite traits of his, then I think I really reincarnated him because hey, I'm damn scared of cannon shots. It's only now that I'm grown that I'm gradually leaving the phobia behind. Many times, whenever there's a burial ceremony close to our house, I don't stay at home; I would run away very far in order not to hear it when it's being shot.

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I'm not the type that easily picks or counters interests in those stuff, so whenever my mom or dad start talking about my reincarnated person and direct talks to me, I don't show interest or pick interest; I just laugh over them.

I have never thought about it; I mean, sitting to think if the reincarnation thing is real and if I'm truly representing another person in it. No, I don't have interest even though I love to listen to those ancient stories about reincarnation.

Thanks for reading!

This is for day 9 of #mayinleo prompt.
Do well to read the full details here

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