Traditional beliefs in the afterlife

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Practically, every tradition in Nigeria believes in life after death. They believe that after a person has lived on Earth he or she journeys to another world where whatever he or she had done in his previous life be it good or bad will have it effects in the person's afterlife. Take for instance, in Yoruba tradition back in the days this belief in afterlife was one that was held in utmost regard. There was a book I read back then titled the King's horseman where whenever the King dies his horseman must be buried along with him this is because of the belief that the king cannot journey alone in the after world but needs a company. This was based on the fact that the king also called OBA in Yoruba land is seen as not just a political leader was also a religious and spiritually leader. Hence, it is viewed that the ritual of sacrificing a person to accompanying the King to his afterlife is an interconnection between the Earth and the Spiritual realm.

Although this practice is archaic and no longer in practice except in some few areas but that was the belief of the people back then even in the present there it is still believe that there is life after death in the form of reincarnation. Simply put, reincarnation is a spiritual belief in the fact that the soul of someone who has died has come back to life in a new body. This is very common in Yoruba land such that we name our children as babatunde which means 'father returns', IYABO 'mother returns' and so on that I cannot remember. This is so because it is believed that when a man dies he sold depart from his physical body and transitions to the word of the spirit. Hence in the cause of reincarnation Yoruba seed as a dead family member coming back to life through a newborn baby and this features can be found through resemblance to a grandfather or grandmother facial structures characteristics, dreams or divination to confirm reincarnations of particular ancestors.

In view of the discussion concerning reincarnation, I have heard stories of families carrying out divination rights through oracle and native doctors to determine the fate and Destiny of a new born child. The belief of life after death is peculiar to Yoruba, Igbo and even Hausa. While these traditional beliefs is different from the Christian of life after death is based on going to heaven or hell fire, traditional beliefs is based on the fact that it is a continuation of life in the spirit realm but one that is also connected with the living.

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