Darkly Enchanting Love Potions

This piece of Raven, Argent, and Jinx fanart for DeviantArt's Magic Potion tutorial is dedicated to all of the wonderful shippers of Robin x Raven or RobRae, Hot Spot x Argent or Hotgent, and Kid Flash x Jinx or Kid Flinx. Sit back, relax, and revel in how three gorgeous goth maven mages entice their fiercely fiery husbands with their love potions.

Raven, Argent, and Jinx may be approaching 35 years old respectively on August 23, September 18, and October 13. They may have been married to their soon-to-be 37-year-old husbands Robin, Hot Spot, and Kid Flash respectively for nearly nineteen years. They may also be happy mothers to fourteen children ranging from 19 to 15 years old. However, they still have enough flair, wisdom, beauty, and sense to give their husbands a grand time. This is thanks to their love potions which give them increased romantic intimacy and a whole lot of passion in the bedroom when all the doors and curtains are closed. Raven's love potion for Robin and herself is assembled with elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherry blossoms, and apple blossoms to stimulate vivacity and intimate passion. Argent's love potion for Hot Spot and herself is made with orange blossoms, tangerine, satsumas, turmeric, and ginger to increase youthfulness and high energy levels. Jinx's love potion for Kid Flash and herself is prepared with lemon, lime, pineapple, dandelion root, and sunflower to accelerate mental clarity and physical radiance.

Robin, Hot Spot, and Kid Flash are exceptionally grateful to have such gorgeous, wise, and well-rounded wives like Raven, Argent, and Jinx, especially when they guarantee strong marriage bonds and high romantic intimacy, thanks to their signature love potions. These gentlemen also treasure their wives' sisterhood, as they remain unbreakable. Raven, Argent, and Jinx are true Goth Titan sisters who stick by each other's sides through thick and thin and share common interests. While they may be happy to be wives to fierce, energetic, and fiery gentlemen who balance persistence and leadership with athleticism and determination, they are women with special hobbies, interests, and beliefs. Love potions are not the only specialties Raven, Argent, and Jinx have in store. These Goth Titan sisters also busy themselves with incantations, poetry, literature, biology, and fashion. From casting spells for specific uses to making their minds travel through various literary pieces to their fascination with herbs to their eye for dark style, they have it all in spades. Their children have even inherited most of their mothers' interests.

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as Robin, Hot Spot, and Kid Flash love the taste of Raven's, Hot Spot's, and Kid Flash's love potions. Tune in next time to the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and may you have a blessed Easter season, everybody.

Robin, Raven, Hot Spot, Argent, Kid Flash, and Jinx from Teen Titans belong to Glen Murakami, David Slack, DC Comics, Warner Brothers Animation, and Cartoon Network.
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