Cassette Tape Collections: We're Still Keeping Our 20-Year-Old Plus Cassette Tapes


I remember my mommy Flor as a music lover, aside from that, she's the kind that will get what she wants by working hard on it just to accumulate some things she want. And one of the things she worked hard on getting was our cassette player in the shape of an oblong, it is a bit lengthy and has the function of having both cassette tape and a CD player. Sadly, I couldn't take a photo of that cassette player for the last time last year when she decided to get rid of it for good ಥ‿ಥ. But we still have the cassette tapes and the CD collection that Mom often used to listen to music.

I remember having a lot of things in our old house, we also have that huge colored TV with VHS player and another cassette player, the taller version that she threw just recently because some gecko is living on it. I know those cassettes are still working, but because they got out of stock and no one is using them now because of the newest and most modern music players that exist today, mom chose to just throw them away instead of piling them up in our storage room. I also have a lot of memories of those things because those are the things that gave background music to my childhood (≧▽≦).

So anyway, here's the collection that Mom still had. There are actually more of them, like we also have cassette tapes with Tagalog songs, but the oldies are keeping them somewhere, I'm not sure where. And I am not sure if these are originals, but I think no. But either way, we still enjoyed listening to them back then, it doesn't matter if they're original or not. These are the kinds of songs that mom often listens to, of course, I too get to listen to them, and thanks to that, I discover a gem of music. Our kind of music before was superb, some songs of today's generation are just so-so for me.

I'm sure some of you here are familiar with the artist here. Those are Mom's favorites too, not just her but also the rest of the people at home, the helper, the worker in the bakery, as in all of it. Especially since we have had a bakery before, listening to some of them while packing the bread is the best. I get sleepy whenever I do that task, so lively music is a must for the worker to go on. Ahh, I suddenly miss my mom's bakery. It's the time when we can just eat every bread, as long as we also help with the work in there. But now, the bread is already expensive, and we have to buy it when we crave it.. If only I also learned how to bake (●´⌓`●).

Some of them-err, all of them look really worn out and old already, but they can still look pretty with a little bit of creativity. Like this, ehe. What do you think? And who doesn't know Madonna, right? Some of her songs are really hits all over the world... *Like a virgin, wooooh! Touch for the very first time! Like a viiiiiii-iiirgin, when your heart beats next to mine! Oh,that feels good. Did you sing it too? Ehe.

It's pure nostalgia, that's what these cassette tapes brought to me. The memories I had with it are all lingering, like they were all just yesterday. It is that time where I gave more importance to my feelings, feeeeeeelings, oh, oh, oh, feeeeelings, again in my heart ( ◜‿◝ ). Ahhhh, we can listen to this music anytime, anywhere now, but there's just something in it when it was played with your old cassette player. It's like this when I'm also listening to music on the FM radio. How about you?

Another thing is that you can sing while playing the song because some of the cassette tape boxes have these lyrics inside. During that time, I found it really cool. Sometimes, when I am not doing anything, I will just read the lyrics because they sound so beautiful (≧▽≦).

By the way, there is this one cassette tape that I particularly requested for Mom. We bought it for the regular customer of the bakery, where she often delivers the packed bread. I'm with her when we buy it. The reason why I asked mom to buy it was because the featured song here was really popular in our barangay, and I often hear it everywhere being played. And there are instances where, when you hear a song being played over and over, you have no choice but to like it ( ꈍᴗꈍ). I mean, it's really cool and lively too, lol. I'm curious if my fellow Filipino here got crazy too for this song when it was first released. Have you?

Here's another one. We also have those instrumental songs, which are relaxing and calming. We also have the CD version of all of these, by the way. And I'll share that too soon. We'll probably just keep all these, until when? That's what I can't answer. Although they are a precious collection with a lot of memories in them, we have no cassette player where we can play them. We are not even sure if they are still working.

But for now, we will continue to keep them and maybe check them every once in a while.

So how's your parents collection of these? Or maybe you are still keeping yours? Or maybe your grandparents are still keeping theirs. Why not share them with us and let us know your stories? It would be fun, for sure, and nostalgic as you walk down memory lane.


Lead Image Edited in Canva.

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