Treasures of learning and memories

I may be a collector of musical instruments... in a way. Although I hesitate to write the word collector, because I have only kept objects that remind me of a particular person, who filled a part of my life with good times, although the bitter ones were not absent as well. But who doesn't?


However, I don't dwell today on the bad or unpleasant things with resentment. And I have to be honest, I did at one time, yes. I dare say that most of us have had that weakness and scarce virtue; however, my constant growth and learning has brought me to the point of letting go, of not accepting, nor tolerating these types of ideas in my mind and embracing, instead, love, compassion and good wishes for my equals and myself.

So, when I look at these instruments that I keep close to me, I can only feel love, and although I can't play anything, I do know to some extent how to appreciate music and, for example, the guitar is one of the instruments I prefer.


I am not perfect. This guitar has a broken string, and even though I have one to replace it, I have left its broken string, so that one day, when I feel fully restored what was broken in me, I will make this fix on it as well.

I purposely left some dust on the bridge :P

According to my philosophy of life, I only try to surround myself with things that bring meaning to my life. Few things are left over around me and I know that I must work hard in this sense still, because sometimes I find it difficult to put away from me certain things that are not letting me think clearly, objects that I know should leave this house because they are not really necessary nor have any special meaning, so it is imposed to create that void that the Universe will immediately fill with value, surely.

The guitar is beautiful. I tend to enjoy the music that comes from it very much, and it enlivens in me many emotions. When I write, guitar music is a faithful companion many times, as there are also moments when the music of silence is perfect for me.


If you have already read my blog, there is also a recurring element in my writings: water, and specifically rain. Well, from that person I also keep a rain stick. She received it as a gift from a mutual friend, who brought it from Ecuador. This rain stick came from other lands to know our wonderful island.

Sometimes I make it sound, and I delight myself with its whisper. They are little seeds that slowly fall like raindrops. I close my eyes and put in my mind a scene with blue mountains, lake or sea, forest, and water as small pearls, adorning the beauty, with its healing and regenerating power and also with that force with which it usually changes even the course of the rivers.

The guitar and the rain stick are instruments that I treasure, and I thought that, if someday this person would like to have them with her, just as I was delighted to have kept them, I will give them back.

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Only two musical instruments remain under my domain. Bells. I feel that they could also be considered as musical instruments, because in the musical piece that is my life, sometimes they intervene very gracefully, to tell the truth.


This little clay bell is so cute, and it was given to me by a very special person who left beautiful and valuable marks in my past. I keep it on top of the fridge and when I go home, I ring it. Here where I live there is a lot of silence, and it is, therefore, a ritual like the one we automatically have when we turn on the lights, let's say. If we turn on the light so as not to be in the dark, why not also the sound of our presence?


And the same with this other bell. Which is one of these that is usually placed in hotel receptions. I bought it in the Carlos III Shopping Center, in Centro Habana, and it was in one of those all for five offers. At that time, we still had the Cuban Convertible Peso or CUC as currency.

I always wanted to have one of these bells. Then I got my wish when I saw it in a little white box, on one of those shelves, unnoticed. I was surprised to find it there.

Since then, I have it on a bar in the center of the kitchen, where I sometimes sit to eat, on one of those highchairs that I also use to climb up to reach the boxes that are in my closets and that might have some other collection of objects... but that's another story.

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