Where the hearts of owls smile


Yesterday I started my post in dog language, but today it should be in owl language. I think you can guess the topic we will treat here already from the cover photo. Owls - a collection of owls actually!


As @elbuhito said:

Buu buuu buuuu bububu 🦉

I hope it means just good things. A greeting or maybe a secret message that the little owl wanted to leave us while escaping from Owlsaurs in this post. Who would know that... But what I am sure about is that while Buhito was taking care of TriceratipX and observing the nice teeth of IndoraptiX, his relatives, all these little owls had their own owl trouble.

They were chased by a human who owns this Hive account from which you are reading this post. A terrible experience they have lived in this parallel world, being exposed to her curiosity and the lens of the little gadget that was mercilessly capturing their cuteness.

Click here and click there and this collection was slowly growing. Terrible, I say you. Some of the owls were calm though and even slept through this whole chasing photo session activity.


Others had their eyes wide open, monitoring this activity so strange and incomprehensible to the citizens of this parallel world, Buholandia. (Owl-land)

Usually, they keep the tea or coffee warm when it is needed. Posing for a collection was not something these owls imagined they would be participating in one day.

Life changes, so new activities also happen in the lives of these sweet creatures. Sometimes they are used to supervise the measures. They are wise birds, they say.


Their wisdom surely comes from reading many books. Or just sitting close to them, it also counts. Each of them has a different facial expression as the written word affects them differently. Oh, one fell asleep while reading.


That happened to me yesterday evening, before 10 pm... I was quite tired and my eyezzzz clozzzzed without me wanting it... {maybe these owls cast a spell on me, to take revenge on me}
This one looks suspicious.


A pillow was also offered to me. Who would not fall into a trap like this? Sweet and soft, and then you fell asleep, that's the trick.


Anyway, I managed to take a few more photos in Buholandia. There live serious owls...


... owls that hold little notes and papers...


... owls that can write in different colours...


... a hidden owl that I spotted just after taking the photo of those writing owls...


... and so on. I had to stop because this collection would be immense.

Now we know that there is a place where a collection of owls happily live in their world, in Buholandia. It is a place where their hearts smile.



Do you think this was a collection of sweet items? Maybe you also have some candied things in your home that make a collection and you want to share it with us? Something that makes your life sweet? Then you are at the right place, as the official theme for August in the Hive Collectors community is dealing with Dolce Vita.


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