The sleeping earrings collection...


When I was sixteen or seventeen I pierced an additional hole in my left ear. If you ask me why I did it, maybe I could not give you a completely truthful answer. I don't remember the exact reason, but I probably wanted to have a "cool" appearance, as some friends had. In my perception, this also meant wearing three silver hoop earrings and not just two.

As a teenager you just want to be different from the normal, and sometimes do things that your parents would disagree with. However, they said nothing about my behaviour and they had no objections to the way I dressed, so this new hole in my ear didn't particularly bother them.

Those silver hoop earrings accompanied me for around a decade or more when I started wearing other earrings too. Those consisted just of two pieces, so the third hole was sometimes taking a break. The negative consequence of those breaks was that each time it was more difficult to wear again an earring in that third piercing. It started bothering me and sometimes became infected.

Then I was persistent and wore an earring for a long time to get my ear used to it again, but the problem kept coming up again and again. After a couple of years, I gave up and continued wearing just a pair. One earring in each ear.

During all these years I bought many pairs of earrings, however, the majority of the earrings I had were gifts. From family, friends or students. So many, but I didn't bring all of them with me when I moved, just those I used to wear more often. And those that had more meaning... like this pair of red earrings.


They have a special place in this collection as they were my grandma's earrings. I have never worn them but just kept them as a memory.


These small ones were mine when I was a little girl. Like many other parents, my ones also decided to pierce the ears of their babies. It was a tradition, I suppose, but now I have mixed feelings toward it. It is good as I don't remember the pain and the healing process of that action, but on the other side, what if I didn't want to have those holes in my ears? Anyway, I had these earrings with blue zircon, and my sister had similar ones, but in red colour. I keep them as a part of my childhood.


Other than those earrings I wore for years as a child, these black silver earrings were the ones that spent the most time adorning my ears. They are not very light, but I was used to them. I also wore them to concerts and formal occasions, combining them with black clothes.


I have worn these earrings many times for less formal occasions, as well as for work. Although they look bigger, they are not at all heavier than the black ones I just showed.


Tiny and discreet ornament for my ears that had the pleasure of accompanying me to a concert a few years ago for the last time. I lost the back of one of them. 🤐


Very light and comfortable to wear, these black earrings were a gift from my boss. I got several bracelets, pendants, earrings and brooches from her, so we joked that we needed many concerts and gigs to have the opportunity to wear all of the gifts I got.

Unfortunately, even these very light earrings are in sleeping mode now, as I can't wear any of them lately. My ears simply refuse now the earrings. It doesn't matter if it is gold, silver or costume jewellery - my ears hurt and become red.


For the same reason I still haven't tried the newest pair of earrings I got last Christmas. They are sleeping in the box, with a matching pendant waiting for the time I could maybe wear them again. Until then, they just form a collection of earrings with some other ones I didn't take photos of as they would need to be cleaned first. They changed their colour over the years. 😅

I know that this topic is not interesting for the male population of Hive... but who knows :D
Maybe someone gets an idea or inspiration and brings a collection of earrings to this community of collectors. 😉


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