Beautiful Collection of Necklaces. / Hermosa Colección de Collares.


Beautiful Collection of Necklaces

Greetings friends of Hive Collectors. These days I was leaving my house in a hurry. On the way, I realized that I didn't have my routine accessories, a watch, and I always go out with a necklace, or earrings, or bracelets that match my outfit. I was so distracted that I didn't put anything on, I had to turn back, I felt like I was missing something.


Hermosa Colección de Collares

Saludos amigos de Hive Collectors. En estos días salía de mi casa muy apresurada. En el camino, caí en cuenta, que no tenía mis accesorios de rutina, un reloj, y siempre salgo con un collar, o unos pendientes, o unas pulseras que me combinen con mi atuendo. Iba tan distraída que no me coloqué nada, me tuve que devolver, me sentía como que me faltaba algo.

Tres Fotos Collage Familia Impresión de Lienzos.png

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The cameo was given to me by a customer and the necklace by a cousin.

El camafeo me lo regalo un cliente y el collar una prima.

The dolphin was given to me by my husband and the necklace by a sister.

El delfín me lo regalo mi esposo y el collar una hermana

The complete collection

La colección completa

It is a woman's custom to always go out dressed up, even to the corner, they are very ingrained habits and when you work you always want to be the one who glimpses. For some time I have had some necklaces, chokers and chains that allow me to combine them regardless of their shapes, thanks to the fact that most of them have been given to me as a gift. Some of them are not my style, but I manage to adapt them to my outfits and they are always well received.

Es costumbre de la mujer, salir siempre arreglada a, si sea, a la esquina, son costumbres muy arraigadas y cuando trabajas siempre quieres ser la que vislumbre. Desde hace tiempo cuento con algunos collares, gargantillas y cadenas que me permiten combinarlos sin importar sus formas, gracias a que la mayoría de ellos, me los han obsequiado. algunos no son de mi estilo, pero consigo que se adapten a mis atuendos y siempre son bien recibidos.

The necklace was given to me by a customer, the chain by a sister-in-law.

El collar me lo regalo un cliente, la cadena una cuñada.

The first one was a gift from a secret friend and the second one was a gift from a friend.

El primero de las frutas, fué un regalo de amigo secreto el segundo me lo regalo una amiga.

In this collection that I present to you, there are varieties and tastes. I have some casual, everyday, and some somewhat elegant, all with a sentimental value; there is always an occasion to wear them and remember moments. I don't like to overload myself too much, they have to be as simple as possible, but rare and beautiful.

En esta colección que les presento, hay variedades y gustos. Tengo algunos casuales, de diario, y unos un tanto elegantes, todos con un valor sentimental; siempre existe una ocasión para usarlos y recordar momentos. Tampoco me gusta recargarme mucho, tienen que ser los más sencillos posibles, eso sí, raros y bonitos.

The two necklaces were gifts from different customers.

Los dos collares fueron regalos de diferentes clientes.

Both necklaces were given to me by my beloved son.

Ambos collares me los regalo mi adorado hijo.

I always remember an Executive Secretarial course I was preparing for, and when they gave us the class on how to dress, how to walk, what accessories to wear, among other things, they emphasized not to wear extravagant and long necklaces that could get tangled with the file, with the telephone cable and the pieces would roll off and all the glamour would go to the floor ha, ha, ha, ha. And if it happens, it happened to me with a long chain necklace, it got stuck on the edge of a drawer and I could not get out, a client that I was attending, had to help me, after that, I could not find where to put me because of the pain. A couple of months later, when he came back to the office, he brought me a present.

Siempre recuerdo un curso de Secretariado Ejecutiva a la que me estaba preparando, y cuando nos daban la clase de como vestir, como caminar, qué accesorios llevar, entre otras cosas, nos resaltaban, no usar collares extravagantes y largos que se te podían enredar con el archivo, con el cable del teléfono y las pepas salían rodando y todo el glamour se te iba al suelo ja, ja, ja. Y si pasa, me paso con un collar de cadenas largo, se me ensarto en el filo de una gaveta y no podía zafarme, un cliente que yo estaba atendiendo, me tuvo que auxiliar, después, no hallaba donde meterme por la pena. En un par de meses cuando volvió a la oficina, me llevaba un presente.

The blue necklace was given to me by a customer and the white one was given to me by my son.

El collar azul, me lo obsequio un cliente y el blanco me lo regalo mi hijo.

Both garments were given to me by a sister-in-law.

Ambas prendas me las regaló una cuñada.

Well, those stories are left for history, here I present some of my chokers, although there are currently new trends, some of these garments are adapted to current fashion, I hope you like them.

Bueno, esos cuentos quedan para la historia, aquí les presento algunas de mis gargantillas, aunque actualmente hay nuevas tendencias, algunas prendas de estas se adaptan a la moda actual, espero sean de su agrado.

The chain was a gift from my husband, the pendant was a gift from me.

La cadena me la regalo mi esposo, el colgante me lo regale yo.

This one was finally given to me by my mother.

Finalmente esta me la regalo mi madre.


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