(Eng/Esp) The kittens that sweeten the life of Buhito!

A furry feathered family


For the sweet month proposed by @mipiano, I thought it might be time to present what makes Buhito's life sweeter, his kittens. These cute kittens are Buhito's pets that he found them in the street when he was going to buy bread, here I leave you how Buhito found them and I invite you to meet Buhito's furry pets that sweeten his life.

Para el mes dulce propuesto por @mipiano, he pensado que quizá sea momento de presentar lo que hace más dulce la vida de Buhito, sus gatitos. Estos tiernos gatitos son las mascotas de Buhito que los encontró en la calle cuando iba a comprar pan, aqui te dejo como Buhito los encontró y los invito a conocer a las mascotas peludas de Buhito que endulzan su vida.


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This cat is very playful and loving, she loves to be petted for hours by Buhito. Sometimes she takes her for a walk to the park and if Buhito is careless, she will immediately find a person to caress her, once Buhito was careless for a few seconds and found her cheating on him with another owl, that's how loving she is.

Esta gata es muy juguetona y amorosa, le encanta que Buhito la acaricie por horas. A veces la lleva a pasear al parque y si Buhito se descuida, enseguida encontrara a una persona para que le haga caricias, una vez Buhito se descuidó unos segundos y la encontró engañándolo con otro búho, así de amorosa es.


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A mini panther crossed Buhito's path when he went to buy bread, she was the first kitten to manipulate Buhito into taking her to her nest. She is elegant, affectionate and very sociable, she loves to be the center of attention and to be always surrounded by people, very different from Buhito's personality.

Una mini pantera se cruzó en el camino de Buhito cuando iba a comprar pan, fue la primera gatita que manipulo a Buhito para que se la llevara a su nido. Es elegante, cariñosa y muy sociable, le encanta ser el centro de atención y estar siempre rodeada de personas, muy diferente a la personalidad de Buhito.


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This is the cat that most resembles Buhito, he is mischievous and playful. He likes to play pranks on Buhito's acquaintances, he once gave Bizcochito a big scare and I think we know from whom he learned those tricks. You will always be entertained with this naughty kitty.

Este es el gato que más se parece a Buhito, es travieso y juguetón. Le gusta jugarles bromas a los conocidos de Buhito, una vez le dio un tremendo susto a Bizcochito y creo que sabemos de quien aprendió esas mañas. Siempre vas a estar entretenido con este gatito travieso.


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We have here a hyperactive cat, you will never see him sleeping, that's why he is so strong and athletic. Once Buhito found him climbing a 20 meter high palm tree and believe it or not, he made it all the way to the top and even Buhito got a little dizzy just seeing him, but his loyalty to Buhito is unmatched by any other cat, I think he is grateful that Buhito adopted him even though he knew he had a lot of cats already.

Tenemos aqui a un gato hiperactivo, nunca lo vas a ver durmiendo, por eso es tan fuerte y atlético. Una vez Buhito lo encontró escalando una palmera de 20 metros de altura y aunque no lo crean, llego hasta la cúspide e incluso a Buhito le dio algo de vértigo el solo verlo, pero su lealtad hacia Buhito no se compara con la de ningún otro gato, creo que esta agradecido que Buhito lo haya adoptado aun sabiendo que tenía muchos gatos ya.


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The solitary cat, he only lets Buhito get close to him, your presence makes him uncomfortable and he always makes it clear that you must respect his space. He is also melancholic, you can watch him almost all day long looking through the window, I think he is a romantic poet. Even so, he is very sweet and calm with Buhito.

El gato solitario, solo deja que Buhito se le acerque, tu presencia le incomoda y siempre deja en claro que debes respetar su espacio. Tambien es melancólico, podrás observarlo casi todo el dia mirando a través de la ventana, creo que es un poeta romántico. Aun así, es muy dulce y tranquilo con Buhito.


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The cat that exhausts Buhito, and not because he doesn't love him, but because all day long he is demanding to play with him and as Buhito is a lazy owl, he gets tired immediately and can't respond to his demand. He is very smart, he knows when Buhito is already exhausted, but, even so, he insists him to keep playing, poor Buhito.

What do you think of this feathered and furry family? Do you have a cat that matches in personality with any of them? I'll be reading you.

El gato que agota a Buhito, y no porque no lo quiera, sino porque todo el día está exigiendo jugar con él y como Buhito es un búho perezoso, se cansa enseguida y no puede responder a su demanda. Es muy listo, sabe cuando Buhito ya está agotado, pero, aun así, le insiste para que siga jugando, pobre Buhito.

¿Qué te parece esta familia emplumada y peluda? ¿Tienes algún gato que coincida en personalidad con alguno de ellos? Te estaré leyendo.


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️✏️ Letters created with the online letters converter

️✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version

📷 Photos taken by me with my Samsung A03 edited in Photoscape


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